THe death of a Revolution

It was revolution in name only. What changed other than the rhetoric?

As Napoleon says above, when does it kick in? Deficits soared, his own budget director painted Reagan's grasp on fiscal reality as tenuous at best.

"It was the evil Dem libs in Congress!"

Well, if they controlled things, what kind of a revolution did you have other than one where a guy looks good on a horse and people make up lies about the horseman single-handedly bringing down an "Evil Empire?"

The revolution is a corny legacy based on movie mythology. But it did make a lot of people feel good, he'd got that going for him.

None of the usual suspects got pulled from the trough.
This has been beat to death.

There is a huge practical difference between what one professional interrogator does based on their own assessment of a situation in real time and a state sanctioned policy of on-going programmatic torture.

People do what they have to do and must justify their behavior after the fact. But state-sanctioned, programmatic torture is barbaric, immoral, UnAmerican, and makes us not only the moral equal of our enemies but also endangers our captive troops and civilians. Furthermore, to assert that waterboarding is something other than torture is either a deliberate insult to the intelligence of the listener or a testament to the gullibility and delusion of the speaker.

Real Americans don't support torture.
But, a nuke in the Super Bowl, man!

I think everybody within a fifty mile radius of the Super Bowl should be waterboarded. We can't be too thorough about this.

I think I'll waterboard my neighbor to make sure I'm safe.

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