The "Bombs " being sent

Oh crap. Turns out the suspected "bomber" is everything cnn was dreaming he would be; a MAGA hat wearing, Trump supporter. Here is his van.

Media is wetting themselves over his 2016 registration as Republican. Would be better if they simply focused on the fact the guy was a whack job, as evidenced by his conduct more than 15 years ago that clearly had nothing to do with the current political crap...

Wonder how long before they start interviewing the soccer moms given the email on his registration was consistent with part of the soccer recruiting stuff on the back windows...and it was an AOL account to boot...did not realize anyone still used them.
Were they really bombs though? I know that were supposed to look like bombs. But did they include any explosive or ignition? Either way it is scary and bad, I am just a little confused about how dangerous this really was.
What is it that makes Florida so full of odd people?
Cesar Sayoc and Stormy Daniels worked at the same Strip Club
Cesar was arrested many times but I can't find what happened. Did he go to trial and then jail for any of the arrests?

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