Texas vs. Rice

Ojala has been going 2-0 alot and yet the hitters are swinging at pitch 3. At this point I would take til I get a strike then be selective. Ojala hasn't been extremely accurate.
I know, I was thinking I wouldn't swing at another of Ojala's pitches until he can prove he can throw strikes. He hasn't thrown many so far. No sense in helping them out by swinging on the first pitch or a 2-0 count.
We should just go home now. We don't deserve to be here. We don't want to be here. We can never get a 1-2-3 inning on D and have struggled to get any big innings from any team that doesn't have Houston in their name. Disgusting.
Its only the third inning, this is far from over but we need to start something soon because this is slipping away. Ohfor two more runs on Friday this whole weekend has been *** backwards since then.
Come on guys...break out the bats. Rice had to be hoping to play SJ's. Let's take it to them!!!
Surely one of the Texas coaches will get on the hitters for being impatient. Their only hope to score runs is to get walks and work counts. Aggressive hitting isn't the key right now.
I don't understand why we haven't taken more pitches from the outset.

finally - a leadoff baserunner.

OU beats Vandy with a walkoff homer to advance on to play ASU.

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