Texas vs OSU game 1

Well I got sound and find that we lead 1-0 in the top of the first.

Johnson with a K for out one.

Hall singled and stole second.

Weis with a double scored him and he moved to third on an error.
Payton being Payton scores Weis with a single to right to make it 2-0 off OSU ace Jason Hursh a fireballer with mid 90's

Hinojosa flies out for the second out.

Silver stays hot and singles to left to put runners on first and second.

Montalbano catching tonight as Felts is the DH which must be an Augie hunch I guess.

He K's looking to end the inning.

Texas leads 2-0 with OSU coming to bat to face French who is starting tonight.
French gets a slow roller to first for one down.

Way says the wind is howling out to left which makes ground balls a good thing in this small park that we use to call a "bandbox."

Ground ball past the bag at third and down the line is a double.

Runner at second with one out.

Single to center scores the runner to make it 2-1.

Skip out to the mound, French stay in.

Squibber to third is the second out as runner moves to second.

Ground ball to second ends the inning.

After one it's Texas 2-1 over OSU.
Felts leads off in the second and he chops one up the middle for a single.

Marlow with the sac bunt that moves Felts into scoring position.

Johnson K for the second time this time looking for two away.

Hall flies out to center to end the inning.

Texas leads 2-1 to the bottom of two.
Ground ball in the hole to Hinojosa, but the throw is not in time and it's a lead off infield single.

French walks the next guy on four pitches, he may not be right yet, hard to know without video.

Two on with no outs

Skip back to the mound after two more balls to the next hitter.
A sac bunt is successful after Skip heads back to the dugout.

Ground ball to Weis who makes the play as the run scores to tie
it at 2 a piece.

A single off Silver's glove scores the runner and OSU leads now 3-2 and the runner moves up as Payton's throw gets by
Montalbano. Error on Payton.

Bunt single puts runners on the corners with two outs.

Ground ball to second ends the inning.

OSU leads now 3-2 after two.
Following along here, thanks for the updates.
Weis leads off with his second hit of the game a single to left this time.

Payton is Payton and doubles down the line in left to put runners on second and third.

Hinojosa grounds out to second as Weis scores to tie it at 3 as Payton moves to third.

Silver is hit by a 1-2 pitch to put him on first.

Montalbano with a bomb to left!

Three run homer puts Texas up 6-3 now.
Felts tries to bunt his way on but is thrown out 5-3.

Marlow flies our to end things.

To the bottom of three 6-3 Texas.
French gives up line single to left as neither pitcher seems real effective.

Another single to right puts two on.

Sac bunt moves up the runners to second and third.

Another single to left makes it 6-4 now.

A K and line drive to HInojosa retires the side.

It's 6-4 now Texas to the fourth.
Johnson leads and hits a come backer that is booted and Johnson reaches on the error.

Hall lays down the sac bunt to move him up.

Weis walks on four pitches to put two on for Payton.

Payton tries to bunt for a hit that the catcher fields and throws him out as the runners move up to second and third.

Big at bat for Hinojosa now with two down and clutch city as a chopper goes over the second baseman to center field for a two rbi singles and it;s now 8-4 Texas.

NIce hard Oklahoma dirt helps out there.
Fly ball ends the inning, but Texas plays add on and we very well may need every run we can get.

Texas leads now 8-4 to the bottom of the fourth.

French wasn't ready and now Duke is on the Hill for the Horns.
Grounder to Marlow for out one.

Duke K's the next man swinging.

The next batter fouls one off and hurt his shoulder and out comes the trainer.

He stays in and swings and misses for an inning ending K.

Nice shut down inning for Duke when you need one as OSU goes down in order for the first time tonight.

Texas leads still 8-4 after four.
Montalbano pops out to second for out one.

Felts lines one to left for his second hit of the game to put a man on.

Marlow grounds into a 5-4-3 double play to end the inning.

Halfway home and it's 8-4 Texas.
Dulke out for his second inning of work.

Silver knocks down a sharp one hopper and takes it to the bag for out one.

Liner to center for a single is the first base runner off Duke.

And the audio feed goes bye bye and we get Texas Fight from the KVET feed. I want some of my $7 buck back.
Ok, it's back and there are two outs now as the runner is still at first.

Fly ball to center and another very valuable scoreless inning for Duke as Texas still in the lead 8-4 to the bottom of five.
Then I had hornfans go screwy on me.

I know Duke got out of the inning

Another nice inning for him

Texas leads 8-4 after five complete.
Johnson with the first out.

Hall K's swinging for out two.

Wies singles up the middle for his third hit.

Payton grounds out to second to end the inning

Texas with the lead 8-4 to the bottom of six.

Sound back on and I think we are good to go again.
Suddenly fast moving game. Duke has definitely settled in. Have to worry about French and the start he had but at least he was back on mound.
Duke still out there to start his third inning of work.

Ball of the wall in left is a double to start the inning.

Fly ball to center for the first out as the runner tags and
goes to third.

Sharp liner is one hopped by Marlow that holds the runner at third and is out two.

Ground ball to second ends the inning.

Put a gold star by Duke's name with three scoreless innings of relief so far.

That allows Texas to maintain it's 8-4 lead to the seventh.
Hinojosa leads off and grounds out to second for one away.

The OSU starter has thrown a ton of pitches it seems, but is still in there.

Silver with his second hit and Texas's 12th of the game.

"Who are these guys?" and where have they been.

Montalbano up as wonders what I have been wondering about the pitch count.

Montalbano with the "swinging bunt" for a base hit up the first base line puts two run.

Felts with the 6U-3 double play to end the inning.

To the stretch and it's still 8-4 Texas.

Be interesting to see who is on the mound this inning if it's still Duke or not.
Marlow with a swinging K to start his night's work for out one.

Marlow with another swinging K on a full count pitch for out two.

Marlow strikes out the side with a looking K.

Texas still 8-4 after seven complete.

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