Texas vs BU

To be fair, most of the Baylor fan comments were complimentary of Texas. They are hugely impressed by Holmes. "Too big for Davis to handle, and too fast for Brown." They think their team will play harder next time, and they are probably right. When you've beaten an opponent 14 times in a row, a certain complacency has to set in; and that got shocked out of their systems Monday night. Their fans also kept remarking Atkins and McCarty were red hot and it was Texas best game of the season. Once again they're right. Defensively and offensively it was absolutely our best. Of course that's what great teams are supposed to do---give their biggest performances in the biggest games. This was intense, championship caliber basketball, Final Four basketball, with star players making star quality shots. It was thrilling to see. We could lose a couple more games, with Oklahoma, Kansas St. and Fla St. coming up, and Baylor again. But we are capable of scoring over 80 against a top five team, and we immensely strengthened our chances of a high seed.
This is pretty much exactly how Baylor fans feel right now. At least I know I do. Texas came out hitting on all cylinders and Baylor didn't get with it till the 4th. Too late. Atkins and McCarty were absolutely superior to every guard BU had to offer. Holmes is Freshman of the year without question. Baylor will either ramp it up for the next showdown and prove their worth or TX will rule the Big 12 this year. There's a lot at stake come Monday night. Win or lose y'all have a lot to be proud of down there. Win or lose I will still believe TX has just as great a chance to be in the final 4 this year as anybody.
Geewago-thanks for a very level headed post. I look forward to Monday's game although it will be a very intense game for the players, coaches and the fans. The Texas' women's basketball team is finally getting more publicity in Austin so I'll be curious how many folks will show up for the game. Baylor always draws big crowds but this should be our largest crowd of the season.

We can both be proud that the Big 12 is a great conference for basketball. It is great for both teams to be the focus of national attention on a Monday night.

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