Can someone explain this theory that we won't really get it together until Coach G has only her recruits on the team? Possibly true, but I'm not sure I see the reasoning. I don't know what the problem is. The most parsimonious explanation is that our talent level is just not quite as high as OU, BU, and A&M. When our big shooters (e.g., Raven and Erika) have slumps, that takes away a lot of offense. I like the two big Ashleys, but everyone knows they are not great scorers and not a lot of offense is going to come from them. I loved the Tennessee game and thought we looked great, but beating Tennessee may not have been quite the coup we thought it was at the time, since they have gone on to be beaten a few others times by lower ranked teams. (Ole Miss would have beaten them tonight if they hadn't choked.)
It does seem like something psychological is going on, that we lose confidence or get scared or something. I don't know anything about our players' personalities or about the dynamics of the team, so I wouldn't make a guess about the team's psychology. Hopefully we'll make a comeback in the second half of conference play like we did last year. I enjoy our freshmen, like everyone else, and can't wait to see what Cokie and Flores bring (and Tayler and Kelsey, if they'll come).