Texas vs am Game

Eleven minutes left in the game and neither Williams nor Lindsey have a rebound...how can that be? Thank goodness for these freshmen guards! Their speed has kept us as close as we are.
Micheaux = 16 rebounds...Williams/Gayle/Lindsey = 3 rebounds. Sorry to harp on this, but how can our front line have so few rebounds? Is it lack of effort or lack of ability?
wow....just wow. I can't even begin to express my disappointment with the horns tonight. I'm afraid of even saying too much tonight because i'll be EXTREMELY hard on this team if i do.......

okay, i WILL say.....

how the h*ll can you run an offense trying to set screens while you're only playing 5-6 feet apart from each other???
we needed to spread the offense out.
raise your hand if you feel like we have regressed since the start of the season....{raises hand}. uggghhh. that was embarassing.

i don't even know where to start. i'm disappointed to say the least...and can i also just say that "baldy" (the ref) was probably one of the worst refs i've ever seen. and i'm not at all blaming the refs for this one. i just got to a point where i had to laugh at some of the bad calls and no-calls that guy made.

we got royally beat by takia starks....wow. she owned us in the 2nd half.

maybe we do need to change up the line-up. i for one would probably start Font and AG...in place of Ashley Lindsay and Earnie.
On the post game radio show, Carol Ross, whose insight I respect IMMENSLY, commented that the lack of free throw accuracy tonight demonstrates the problem with the team is largely mental and I would agree. The team looks like they have regressed, but the talent has not changed, the offensive sets have not changed, the defensive sets have not changed, but the output has changed dramatically, which is indicative of a mental issue. There is lots of standing around on offense - they moved so smoothly and effortlessly earlier in the season. The offense was beautiful. They seem to have way too many defensive lapses. They can get after it like nobody's business, but then suddenly, the opponent has a clear and uncontested look/lane at/to the basket. It's so puzzling. It's like the loss at SDSU just took the wind out of their sails and they are questioning themselves and/or each other. Or perhaps the wind was gone before that game. All I know is that they have not been the same team since they lost that game! You can see it on the players faces while they are on the bench. There is no joy, I see frustration and angst. This can spiral down and out of control, perhaps it already has, who knows. I would imagine the coaches are just about at their wits end.....
Here i go again anyway....and you all are welcome to disagree (as i know will happen), but it's just MY OPINION.

Our freshmen, and Kat seem to be the only players playing "Coach G's game". Our upper classmen seem to be the ones to regress at times to their old style of play. In every loss for every team, the coaches of course could be to blame for certain things. But, this team has half and half trying to play two different styles of basketball at times. They aren't "meshing" together for 40 minutes....and that's my opinion. I'm on the verge of saying......

well, never mind. I won't give up on my horns. I'm just very upset and disappointed tonight.
I noticed that some of the players are not playing with Coach G's passion and intensity - some are, some are not. I noticed lack of effort to go after the loose ball on several occasions. So, what I see is not unlike what you see, and right now I don't see them emulating or taking on the persona of their Coach. Most good teams usually do that. I see a little bit from some players, but not all.
Truly pathetic. I agree with tott -- Fontenette and AG to start, plus Yvonne, along with Kat and Carla. How can this be the same team that beat Georgia Tech, Old Dominion and Tennessee?
horntooter, my point exactly. The freshmen, Kat, and Carla (who seems to be the only upper classman adapting well enough to Coach G's style). At the start, and the whole time the starters were in the game, Carla was left way out in the backcourt dribbling too long while no one seemed to be giving any effort to get open, or clear the lane for her. The frustration on her face toward the end of the game said it all..................
It didn't appear that they were communicating at all tonight. Someone was always getting trapped with the ball and no one seemed to feel the need to go help. There was just no chemistry tonight, although Coach G tried every possible combination of players. Unfortunately, you can't force chemistry.
The most puzzling thing to me is how this is the same group of starters, with the exception of Kat, who played the majority of minutes last season. Yet, instead of building on the momentum from the end of last season and the first third of this season, the entire team has regressed.

It's sad to say, but it seems as if they are playing with less intensity right now than last season. How does that happen? Could the team's psyche be so fragile that the loss to SDSU burst their confidence, or is there a more systemic problem? Whatever the issue(s), they need to be addressed pronto or we won't be playing in the NCAA tourney this year. Hopefully, Coach G can figure this thing out.
"The most puzzling thing to me is how this is the same group of starters, with the exception of Kat, who played the majority of minutes last season. Yet, instead of building on the momentum from the end of last season and the first third of this season, the entire team has regressed."

But, the whole team hasn't regressed....just the "same group of starters" has. I've seen such tremendous growth with our freshmen so far this season. Again, my point being that the whole team isn't on the same page with Coach G's style of play for 40 mins.
Rexy hit the nail on the head saying that they are not all "emulating or taking on the persona of their Coach". I completely agree with that statement.
If I were the coach, the three freshmen, Gayle, Font and Anderson, would be starting the next game. Gayle missed 5 free throws but at least she was getting to the line. There are some upperclassmen who should be embarrassed with their stat lines.

I knew when GG put the same group on the floor to start the second half that started the first half that we were doomed. Why not put those who were producing on the floor to start the second? Is there some unwritten rule that those who start the first half must also start the second half? We needed their speed and enthusiasm on the floor. If I were a top recruit I would have to think twice about signing for a coach that doesn't have the balls to start me because I am a freshman. I would not commit to a school where I had to sit behind a non-producer.
Everyone in the office knew it was not good when I walked in this morning with no voice...the voice is ALWAYS in worse shape after a loss.

There was no commuication out there on the court. Most nights, I can hear them talking to each other. Tonight you could almost have heard crickets chirping...

Intensity...where is it? Outside of the freshman and a few others, it just seemed like they were flat-footed with no display of desire to win.

Lane violations...what do we need to do to get an internal clock going in AG's head. And everytime she gets whistled, it seems like there is a 'what did I do' look. It shouldn't be that hard to count out '1-2-3-move' in your head...

Free throws...can anyone remember the last time Kat missed both shots during a trip to the line? If we hit them like they are capable of doing, we would have seen more productive use of the 1 and 1 opportunities. This game could have been a LOT closer if they hit the free throws...the horrible officiating got them to the line enough to have kept it close with better shooting from the line.

There needs to be some wholesale changes to the line-up if for no other reason than to try something different by giving a jolt and reminder that to start, you need to show more on the court. There are people starting who simply have not produced in more than one game...one game can be written off as a bad night, but multiple nights becomes indicia of time to sit and be a 'come off the bench' player.
I fear that this team may not take on Coach G's personality until the entire roster is full of Coach G recruits. That may be part of the building process...getting an entire team of player that the head coach brought into the program.
One thing that I can say is that we have a couple of high-quality freshman guards. Font and Anderson are quick and aggressive and they are going to bring some great play to table for several years to come. If Reed is as good as advertised this team is going to look much different next year, especially if Hill were to sign.
We need payers with a scorers mentality. I really miss Nina Norman, Heather Schriber, Stacey Stephens , Tiffany Jackson, Jaimie Carey and Kayla Bowers. Those players actually looked like they wanted to score. I do see it in Carla Cortijo, Kathleen Nash, Erika Arriaran, Ashley Gayle, Ashleigh Fontenett and Y. Anderson. The others are playing scared right now and do to much passing. Seems like as soon as they get the ball they are looking to get rid of it.
The bad thing is that wanting to and being able to are two different animals. But I agree, we have some players who are not looking to score. Raven has been struggling but she has been trying to score, evidenced by hear team-high 13 attempts last night.
Raven was definitely trying to score last night, but it was pretty physical down low and it seemed like she was driving into traffic. possibly trying to draw fouls and get to the line. but she ended up getting her shot blocked at least a few times.
Agreed. This team needs to recognize the importance of the pull-up jumper. So many players in the women's game over penetrate when they could make life easier by hitting the pull-up J.

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