After Weis drops a foul pop up, McElroy boots a grounder that
gets by him and the batter reaches second.
A ground ball out moves over to third, one away.
Another ground ball out scores the unearned run to make it
4-1 with two out bases empty now.
Thornhill gives up a two out walk.
Now a single to put runners on first and second
Here comes Skip, but Thornhill stays in.
Duke up in the pen.
A passed ball moves the runners up to second and third.
Finally a pop up to Payton gets Thornhill out of the jam.
Texas leads 4-1 to the bottom of the 4th.
Ok, I think it's safe for FW or somebody to pick up this game
thread now.
I actually have a family thing I have to attend today.
Bring it home guys.