Texas v. Texas Tech April 30-May 2, 2021

Agreed. It looked inconclusive to me. Further, when the runner is on base for any amount of time and raises his hand for timeout, play should be stopped. Tech may have gotten a freebie.
More wild pitches by Tech. And he hit us with a pitch. Yet another pitching change.

They played real solid the first two games, and now they fall apart.

7-2 UT.
So, 3-3 after first two series. Before OSU, I said I would be happy with 5-4 result after all 3 series (some of you disagreed). If we take 2 out of 3 from TCU, I would be happy.
Tech — their top two starters and top couple of guys in their bullpen are really good. But it falls off a cliff after that (with some serious control problems). Their batting lineup is solid. They’re good enough to challenge to win their regional.
TCU finished sweep of WVU and is 15-3 in conference. Horns sit two games back of the Frogs and three games ahead of Tech with two series left.
What an outing by Hansen! Standing O by the crowd for Hansen. I think we’ll see quite a bit more of him.

And 7 strikeouts for those who obsessively obsess over those... :beertoast:
Absolutely essential to win this game and avoid being swept. And two of three at TCU is the minimum acceptable - a sweep would be terrific.
Hansen has been pitching better than Kubichek in recent weeks. Should Pierce move him to the Sunday starting slot, or is there a reason that wouldn't be a good role for him?
Hansen has been pitching better than Kubichek in recent weeks. Should Pierce move him to the Sunday starting slot, or is there a reason that wouldn't be a good role for him?
Local sports talk this morning reported Pierce was doing just that.

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