Texas v Aggy Big XII Tourny Game Three

I see things didnt get better after I left.

From Wednesday on it has been clear that the only goal for this team in OKC was to get the heck out of OKC. They probably fall to a 3 or 4 seed nationally which given the regional thinking of the NCAA probably wont demonstrably change the Austin regional next week from what it would have been if Texas had won the Big XII tourny and been the number 2 national seed. If one week from now Texas is playing out of the losers bracket then we will all be able to point to last Sunday when the Horns gave up 11 runs (even with the win) as the time when the season started to unravel. If not then this was just an anomolous group of games.

Mind you I am sure we all hope that the Horns take a week, get their crap together and come out the next several weeks the way they are capable and then this will just have been a blip on the radar and a meaningless lost weekend the one time when a meaningless lost weekend could occur without long term consequences.

On to the Regionals.
It won't happen but it would be funny as hell if people took a Regional away from us. Want to screw around and not take things seriously? Enjoy your trip to wherever. Dominate it and you can have a Super but for now, F you and pack your bags. It won't happen but it would be a good message.

That said, focus Horns. FOCUSIZE and get things done.

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