Texas Rangers 2018 Thread

Sounds like it is down to Houston and the Cubs for Darvish. Texas wants him back, but not at the asking price.
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Well, here it is the 26th of December - pitchers and catchers report in 50 days. I sincerely hope JD is working feverishly to bring in a starting pitcher for the top of the rotation - Arietta, Darvish, or a trade for Greinke, or maybe something we haven't even seen in the rumor reports. If not, it is likely to be a long, disappointing season - again.
Topic of the week in Arlington is grass or turf in the new stadium. Owners want turf; baseball people want grass. While the stadium is being designed for grass, the issue is how to get sufficient sunlight for grass to the infield which will be 50 feet below grade.

Still no pitching or hitting help.
This doesn't offer much hope for 2018.

If he was tipping pitches that is correctable.

My feeling is if there is a chance at 18M year for 5 or even 6 years that deal needs to get done.
^FWHORN, you could be right. I could also see the Rangers paying a bit higher salary, but for a shorter term - perhaps $21M for 4 years (with an option for a fifth year?) to get the deal done.

Meanwhile, here it is, 19 Jan - pitchers and catchers report in 27 days, and there are still some prime Free Agents unsigned. How long can this game of Chicken go on before they reach an acceptable middle ground? Darvish, Lynn, Cashner, and Arietta are still out there unsigned. I'm a bit surprised the Rangers haven't made a run at Cashner already.
HHD, each day that goes by without Darvish signing is that much more evidence that teams arent going to do 20 mil a year for 6 or 7 years to get him. I agree 21 mil for 4 years is a good range. I have no idea why the Rangers haven't made a run at Cashner unless they are waiting on Darvish/Arrieta and Cashner is Plan B.
Viper, I think I'm with you on that thought. Cashner should be pretty easy to sign for a year or two at a very reasonable price - and he performed pretty well last season for the Rangers. If nothing else, he would be good depth at 4 or 5 in the rotation. I still want to see a top-of-the-rotation signing - Darvish or Arietta. Next time you chat with JD, let him know our thoughts. :smile1:
My recollection is that the Darvish is tipping his pitches story was happening during the season; even before the trade. Later there was an article that the Dodgers had straightened him out somehow. Then Houston lights him up. I'm wondering if he's receptive to coaching at this point.
Next time you chat with JD, let him know our thoughts.
Message delivered telepathically. :brickwall:

Good thing the Rangers already have Arlington's money for the new stadium. The ones that I trust less than JD are Simpson and Davis. Attendance tanked in 2017 and, unless pitching and hitting issues are corrected, will tank more in 2018. Simpson and Davis have made comments that lack of attendance is hindering the construct of the team.
Looks like Milwaukee and the Cubs are getting into bidding war over Darvish, if that is true go get Arietta potentially on the cheap and Cashner. In a perfect world, and yeah I know that's a hell of a hedge, but in a perfect world, Daniels has just been waiting for one of the shoes to drop and then plans to swoop in for the second pitcher left standing, hopefully that strategy works.
Looks like Milwaukee and the Cubs are getting into bidding war over Darvish, if that is true go get Arietta potentially on the cheap and Cashner. In a perfect world, and yeah I know that's a hell of a hedge, but in a perfect world, Daniels has just been waiting for one of the shoes to drop and then plans to swoop in for the second pitcher left standing, hopefully that strategy works.

I know Daniels has pulled off some last minute bargain signings in the past. I hope that's what's going on. I'm wondering if there is some collusion in play to which Daniels is privy. Or the owners have given him a budget and he just happens to be benefiting from the slow free agency period. I'm kind of down on him lately so I'm not seeing this as any shrewd move (to wait) on his part. He's just waiting for something to fall into his lap.
Let's just hope JD's bonuses are tied to winning and not how much money he saves. (So far it doesn't look like it.)
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He's just waiting for something to fall into his lap.
Good point, bystander. The game of Chicken continues - and the longer it does, the more desperate the players will be to get a contract. The GMs are just biding their time to see how low the prices will go - hope JD is ready to jump when the price hits the right level.
Good point, bystander. The game of Chicken continues - and the longer it does, the more desperate the players will be to get a contract. The GMs are just biding their time to see how low the prices will go - hope JD is ready to jump when the price hits the right level.

I hope he has a decent budget for at least one rotation stud. At least a sure-fire #2 or #3. I read somewhere that Darvish supposedly has a 5-year offer from somebody (the Brewers?) but is holding out so it must be somewhere in the $12-15 million per year range. I bet he thinks he's worth $100 million at least.
We got Bartolo Colon,

World Series here we come!


I've said it before; this team has been run into a ditch. They still have the Choo and Fielder (net of insurance) contracts and NOTHING coming from the minors. Even on their natural development path it's not like there's a budding Verlander or Trout. I'm not sure there's even a Nomar in the group. And Daniels continues to have a job.
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You posted that quote ten days ago. Lot's of poker being played. I wonder if they think Yu or Jake will crack?
I think they want Jake, but are waiting out Yu to see if the price drops below Jake. My gut is telling me they are close to overplaying their hand.

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