Our people lack maturity today because most have abandoned any real foundation for understanding, wisdom, discernment and the responsibility to things higher than one's own internalizing and self absorbed indulgence/seeking (no accountability to nor respect for higher authority and expectations/constraints/discipline/order). Consequently, we have a superficial, shallow culture and one feeds the other - so it is a self perpetuating and fulfilling circle of influence.Juwan probably has some growing up to do. I have a 20 year old daughter who turns 21 in 30 days. She is very immature. We have tried everything. She too, will have to get some life lessons from someone not her Mom and Dad out in the real world. I think kids nowadays have much, much, more pressure on them, and the culture is much, much, more difficult now than back in the 80's when I was 21! Schools are NOT what they were in the 80's not even close! I have to give young people some grace as well as the elderly. Remember, there was no portal and kids like Juwan could actually be held accountable by their teachers, coaches back then. Now? No way, you get doxxed on social media for that.
Immature people with no real foundation for beliefs/thought create just that kind of culture which influences/fosters more of the same (type of people).
Also, I'll add kids aren't expected or made to work and held accountable at a young age for pulling their weight and for their contribution, so....lazy bodies = lazy minds)
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