Texas joining SEC

The Univeristy of Texas will be a member institution of the Pac-10 if they ever move out of the Big 12.


Thanks for posting and not bringing up any conference smack.

Personally I would love to have LSU, Alabama, Florida, Auburn and the likes on our schedule every year but there would have to be some sort of academic requirement changes for sure and a NCAA college football playoff for it to happen.

Good luck to whomever your team in the SEC is unless of course you are an Arkansas fan.
With regard to the SEC, I have to say thanks, but no thanks. I wouldn't mind seeing more SEC schools on our OOC schedule from time to time, though. I think those would be fun matchups.

I second the notion that Texas would be a better fit for the Pac 10, but the georgraphy just doesn't work terribly well for that.

I had never heard that Stanford had vetoed our proposed admission into the Pac 10 before. Is that true? I would find that really surprising, as Texas is consistently ranked in the top 10 of universities for many academic programs. It seems that academically, Texas would measure up reasonably well with Cal, Stanford, UCLA, and Washington compared to other schools.
Leave it to a fan of a grab *** tier 3 school to laugh at the term public ivy. Keep working on having a university the football team can be proud of.
The Big XII has 3 teams in the top 10 and 5 teams in the top 25. Nebraska is on the way back. If there is a stronger conference, I'd like to see it.
That's correct. It was, by and large, a Bullock production. Hence, the inclusion of Tech and Baylor.

Next time, they'll be on their own (and not just because Bullock is dead).
UT does not belong in the SEC but if the SEC decided to expand I would really hope that they would take UH in. I have a soft spot for UH and feel bad for them. I really think they got hit the hardest with the breakup of the SWC and they went from being a strong program to the purgatory that is non-BCS football.

I think UH should build a new on-campus stadium and take a page from UCF in building something that is reasonable and appropriate. Something in the 45,000 seat range. I think with that, UH would be an attractive candidate in bringing the Houston market and opening up Houston even further to SEC recruiting.