Texas Independence Day

"Texas will again lift its head and stand among the nations. It ought to do so, for no country upon the globe can compare with it in natural advantages."

- Sam Houston
That is why we constantly begged for admission to the Union

This partially true. Houston went to Texas to win it for Andrew Jackson. His whole purpose was to bring the state in the union as tribute to his close but estranged friend. So Houston's motivation was political not based on Texas' weakness or instability. The US wanted Texas so that they could complete their control over the Gulf Of Mexico and provide distance between Mexico and New Orleans. Again with Texas in the union the US increased their ability to control the region. Houston doesn't seem to ever consider how well Texas could do on its own.
April 21 is the real Texas Independence Day

and as much of a fan as I am of Monahorns I must reply that Sam Houston was not alone in desiring statehood. The country was broke, at the whim of Mexico with its harassing seizures of San Antonio and had no answer for the Comanche scourge. Texians thought the US Army could cure the Comanches. It did—-30 years later

hurrah for Texas, the only place where Santa Anna is held in lower esteem is anywhere in Mexico
April 21 is the real Texas Independence Day

and as much of a fan as I am of Monahorns I must reply that Sam Houston was not alone in desiring statehood. The country was broke, at the whim of Mexico with its harassing seizures of San Antonio and had no answer for the Comanche scourge. Texians thought the US Army could cure the Comanches. It did—-30 years later

hurrah for Texas, the only place where Santa Anna is held in lower esteem is anywhere in Mexico

I'll take your word for it. The book I read didn't really mention that part. My previous disagreement was built on the narrative of the book that I did read.

No one had a solution for Comanches. The Spanish basically gave up trying to move in on their land. Like all Indian tribes the flu virus played a huge role in pushing the Comanches out. But even with that it wasn't until the revolver was invented and utilized by the Texas Rangers that the Anglos had an actual advantage on the battle field. Literally up until that point the Comanches enjoyed a sizable military advantage in their interactions with Anglos.
Antonio and had no answer for the Comanche scourge. Texians thought the US
Then you have to say September 3, 1783 is the real US Independence Day.
was most of the colonial population headed for the exits the day before? Had they lost the only battles of the revolt up until then? Was the colonial army threatening mutiny and accusing Washington of cowardice up until then?
I get your point and agree somewhat but Santa Anna was engaged in ethnic purging while the English just wanted the rebels to shut up and know their place. And were not shooting captives en masse
Posted on behalf of @SabreHorn

We as a state should celebrate this more. We as a state have the best individual story of how we became a state. We should party and get a day off.
We as a state should celebrate this more. We as a state have the best individual story of how we became a state. We should party and get a day off.
For many years, March 2 & April 21 were State holidays. Schools & banks were closed. It should still be that way, but the legislature has been full of carpetbaggers, and Feb 23, March 2, March 6, March 27, & April 21 have little to no meaning to people any longer. A few of us still observe and appreciate those dates and what they mean to The Great Republic. So, as Thursday approaches, reflect on those 180+ (you tell me 182/183/184) that had the conviction that DC hasn't seen in 100 years. Travis was 26 years old. They believed and died for a purpose and should never be forgotten. I'd love to have every one of them in Congress.
Texicans were satisfied living with the liberal1824 Mexican constitution, which protected the basic freedoms of individuals and provided a representative government similar to the USA.

When Santa Anna (a Classical Conservative) rose to power, he took more and more power away from the states and legislature and gave it to himself. He ultimately ripped up the 1824 constitution and proclaimed himself dictator. At this point, Mexico was ruled by a classic tin-pot Latin American dictator. This did not set well with Texas, and several other Northern and Southern Mexican states--each of which declared independence from Mexico. The dictator had to put down these various rebellions, and was successful putting down some of them. Also remember, Central America used to be part of Mexico.

Santa Anna, the absolute dictator, marched his armies North to put down Texas.

The Texans at the Alamo flew the Mexican flag with the eagle and snake part in the middle replaced with "1824." Historical proof that they were fighting for the liberal Mexican constitution of 1824. But after the Alamo and Goliad massacres, it was complete independence that was sought, as Mexico could not be trusted not to revert to absolute dictatorship.
We as a state should celebrate this more. We as a state have the best individual story of how we became a state. We should party and get a day off.

I got a feel for that when I took Texas history as a kid. When I heard California's (my birth state) history, it was basically "some guy found a little gold at Sutter's Mill, and yada, yada, yada, a bunch of get-rich-quick lowlifes moved in and created a state, and very few of them actually made any money off of gold." Then I took Texas History and realized how pathetic and bogus almost every other state's history looks by comparison.
It drives me batty that some people say it's bad that Texas declared independence from Mexico, but those same people say it's good that Mexico declared independence from Spain. :facepalm:
It drives me batty that some people say it's bad that Texas declared independence from Mexico, but those same people say it's good that Mexico declared independence from Spain. :facepalm:
Not many people would oppose independence from an absolute dictator and tyrant.
It drives me batty that some people say it's bad that Texas declared independence from Mexico, but those same people say it's good that Mexico declared independence from Spain. :facepalm:

Obviously we know why. It's the same people who have a problem with Jews having their ancient homeland but don't have a problem with Islamic caliphates conquering the Middle East in the past and trying to conquer Europe in the present.

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