Texas #1 for business

Well I think the part that people oppose is the market driving the compensation. While the worker bees are extremely important, they also may be the easiest to replace. The market really determines compensation in general. People that create income will generally be compensated accordingly by someone in the market.
A lot of interesting comments, even some on my mental capacity but I realize that it is easy to say things like that because it is an internet board. I also realize what I am saying cannot be implemented, about spreading the wealth at companies to the worker bees as I described it, I am not that obtuse. The point I was trying to make was that the idea of businesses would generate better income for their employees, i.e. pay raise, bonus or some other form of compensation. I thought that was the idea of the trickle down effect in economics and could be shown in our per capita. I am not an expert on economics, so I am spouting out of my *** really.

I still believe that this trickle down effect does not actually show up in the everyone's bottom line and the money has to be going somewhere. Again, I am not an expert and just do not understand economics that well. Maybe if someone drew me a Supply and Demand figure to help me out, all could be right in militaryhorn's world.

It is a good discussion and I am learning a lot about business, even through the irrelevant comments about my critical thinking.
It wasn't meant at you indivdually but at the mindset or frame that I hear that crap. People bust their *** put their salary at risk for certain bonus or commission triggers in their compensation. They hit those numbers and get bonuses and people think they are bad people for it.

Are some of the bonuses and commissions outrageous and the people who set those parameters nuts, yes.

But the trickle down effect is easy to get.....if a sales guy in the company, let's say in the Dallas Fort Worth Market blows out his sales numbers, he makes a ton of money, but now the company has to implement and maintain all of this equipment or services. Well then they have to hire more people for the implementation and for the maintenance. If this person keeps doing this then more and more people have to be hired or Operations managers and then whole branches of the companies get hired, receptionists, customer service, billing etc.

Now let's pretend the guy doesn't hit his numbers, he makes a paltry salary, probably gets put on a performance plan and loses his job in 90 days, then the company does not hire more implementation folks and maintenance folks and they have to hire a new sales person. It takes that person 6 months to get up to speed and they may or may not do a good job. So with shoddy sales you have lack of growth or internal trickle down of hiring and promoting of employees.

That was obviously the basic version.

Sorry, I get fired up when people start bad mouthing people that made their bonuses or make commissions that seem outrageous. 95% of society could not do what these people do or they could not do it well, I guarnatee that, I have seen many try and many fail.

"No legal citizen is stuck making $39K a year forever."

Why is this such a hard thing for the nanny staters to grasp?
They act like that 39k is written in stone
and then they act like people making 39k should have the same lifestyle as someone like Military's Uncle
Or they want Military's Uncle to subsidize the person making 39K .

People are NOT entitled to own houses or own 20k cars. It is insane that someone would even suggest it

MilitaryHorn? what is your rank? how long have you been in?
do you make the same as you did when you first went in?
One major advantage over the military is that companies hire off the street using competitive rates, most do anyway. So while they, like the government, can give modest raises and basically take advantage of long term employees, should you leave you can come back for more money. Its incredible how many corporations lose great talent because they would hire a less qualified person for more money than the qualified 10 year employee for the same position. Once in a company you are often restricted to maximum % raises even with promotions while off the street you can ask for more and get it.

I'm flabbergasted by some of the corporate retention policies I have seen. Of course right now everyone's afraid that if they left their job they might not find another but for years we all joked about the only way to make significantly more money was to go work for someone else for a year and then come back.
First of all it sound like you have done well and have earned it on your own.
Congratulations and thank you more than you know for your service.

My point is just like you haven't always made the same amount of money neither will the person making .9k.
did you expect the same standard of living when you were an E-2?
And believe it or not in the [rivate sector non unions job prmotions are likely 'earned" as much as yours have been.
Just like you aren't forced to stay in the military( not counting terms of enlistments which you do voluntarily) neither is the person making 39K forced to stay at 39k
That person can go back to shcoll of some sort and kinda like you create advancement for themselves

If you really think your Uncle should give more back then you can too. You make quite a bit more than a e-1 or so why not give up some of your money so the E-1 can drive a 20k car/

think how many serving in lower ranks think they deserve more and that their work enabled you to make E-7

Human nature

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