Why is it aggy attacks others and is just for whatever reason to attack but rages into defense mode the second someone non-aggy makes any comments less than complimenting to their wonderfully wacky school?
(This is a rhetorical question, aggy. Hence meaning I really don't need you to answer - although I'm fairly certain you will reply none-the-less)
I have a very good friend who is an A&M grad, former member of the corp, etc... He graduated in '88. He was so gracious enough a few years back to show me his aggy memorabilia one day when I was up in Ft Worth. Part of this "memorabilia" was his Fish Camp notebook and numerous "memos", documents, etc... that had a complete summary of your Fish Camp. I have to say that if my friend were to ever run for political office, these documents & notebook would have to "disappear"
Now then, let's jump to your side for a moment in order to be "fair & balanced". What documentation (if any) do you have or have witnessed in regards to Camp Texas that makes you believe that we teach our Frosh to type AGGY versus AGGIE? Also, please provide for the follow posters anything that would indicate that our Camp Texas volunteers teach anything demeaning, offending or rediculing any other Institution for Higher Learning. I would imagine that you do not have possession of or have witnessed anything to the like. Correct? So then you're referring to "assumptions" in a previous post would be accurate about yourself referring to Camp Texas. I, on the otherhand, do not assume or imply anything about Fish Camp that I haven't witnessed first-hand myself. Many other "sips" have probably been so fortunate to have witnessed other Fish Camp evidence.
My point being, you claimed that assuming works both ways - which indeed it can. However in this particular case it does not. I don't assume anything about your Fish Camp as I have seen for myself what it consists of. I appreciate you allowing me this moment to correct you. You may carry on now with your aggy rhetoric.
Lastly, would one of our great HornFans.com historians please link the original post where the term AGGY was created? I've seen something about this a few months back but admit I'm not good navigating through the archives. Thanks!