Tell me why you hate Hillary

Her tits are too small and her *** is too big and she's too old and Obama is prettier, if she had bigger tits things would be better, like Ethel Merman sized ones or Beatrice Arthur, or Adrienne Barbeau sized bazoobas. Also the fact that she's delusional about a great right winged conspiracy, there is no great right winged conspiracy out to get her, because her tits are too small. Maybe that doctor from Howard Stern's show could help her out.

When do we get to party with Bill?
she is by far the most fake candidate i can recall in recent memory, from her planted questioners in cafe's and diners across the country to her fake marriage. I mean, either the marriage is fake, or she is the worst self-proclaimed feminist in history.
It always baffled me how much people hated her when she was just the First Lady. I would ask people the same question you asked expecting to get a shallow and irrational response. I just assumed some people didn't like an outspoken and intelligent woman.

Fast forward to today. Now I ******* hate Hillary Clinton. She literally married into her position. She used her husband's popularity and political/financial backing to win a Senate seat in a sympathetic state. Now she acts like she is owed the Presidency.

I respected how Bill Clinton had to overcome being an unkown candidate 16 years ago to fight for the Presidency. He did it with charisma, intelligence, and hard work. Hillary has not.
I'm a Dem, but I've always had a mild dislike for Hillary. I dislike her public persona - there is a shrillness that irritates. And I dislike Bill Clinton, more than Hillary, actually, and hold him against her. But I have no problem voting for her and think she would be a very capable president, as unpleasant as the prospect of having Bill and Hillary on TV every day the next four years is to me. Like most Dems I know, I would vote for Hillary, but would prefer to put Obama in the White House b/c he seems to be a true lib (rather than a moderate), and I would like to give a thoughtful, likable person the bully pulpit.

I don't really give a **** what happened in Bill and Hillary's personal relationship. I don't know what their arrangement is, and frankly, I just don't care, and think it has very little to do with whether or not she would do a good job in office.

(I also bet that like W, Hillary is a lot more charismatic complex in person than she appears to be on the public stage.)
"They" might but why do I? I haven't heard a single Rush Limbaugh show since 1995 or so and I have never voted for a Republican in my life.

And I hate Hillary. Most of my reasons have been cited already -- soulless, Machiavellian, seems to feel entitled to the presidency (the same way GWB did), cries for votes, occupies a Senate seat of convenience, stands for nothing.
She reminds me of Bill Maher (sp?). I actually agree with a lot of her politics, but she is shrill, arrogant, condescending, and thoroughly unlikeable.

I gave money to Obama, and I'm hoping he'll get the nomination. If it is Hillary vs. McCain . . . not sure what I will do.

I think the Dems can write off the entire deep south, the heartland (the rectangular states), and most likely the general election if she is nominated.
I disagree with her politics - that however is not the source of the hate.

The hate for HRC is similar to the hate for ATM. Classless, loud, relentless in expounding their own worth and relevance to the mountaintops - when in reality they have no real accomplishments and are in actuality irrelevant and disturbing.
well i aint a conservative, but i hate her as much as anyone else. i'd back the Republic of Texas or move to Australia if she became president.

i just cannot stand that *****.
Back in 1993 I was one of the uninsured in need of insurance. I voted for Bill and thought he had momentum to do something about health care.

THEN! He appoints his unqualified wife to such a critical issue. It all goes to hell. Bill and Hillary can't even get the democrats to support their plan because she developed it in secret. Ever since then I can't stand her because the US missed a great opportunity to do something about health care.

The 1993 Debacle
she's a faking crybaby is yet another reason:


She's just rubbing the crocodile outta her eye in the pic above.
It is unfortunate that so many people's opinions are based on how people "feel" about a candidate based on soundbytes and opinions put forth by others (i.e Talk Radio). Its certainly natural to try and feel like you know someone in such a position of power, but the fact is, there is no way you really can.

So why not force yourself to step back and really think about their policies and positions? I think for the first time I've done this and found it really helpful. I had always heard the buzz words like "travelgate" and that she was a coat tail rider. I looked into it, and you know what? Travelgate was, IMO, not as big of a deal as the media made it out to be, and she was actually an extremely accomplished lawyer and business person on her own (whitewater not withstanding) prior to her political life - more than you can say for alot of politicians.

In the end I decided not to support her because I don't support her policies and I don't think her experience is as valuable as she claims it is. I don't think any congress would pass her healthcare bill, and I think she was given a chance in 93 to fix healthcare and failed miserably. I think that her idea to "freeze" interest rates on sub-prime mortgages is bad, and I also think that she showed poor judgement on supportng the Iraq invasion, not just in the beginning, but well into the war.

Anyway, I just wish that people would take advantage of the wealth of information out there on candidates and actually do some research and make an informed decision, but thats probably wishful thinking...

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