Now all of you have abundant proof why I want a left-wing birther movement to challenge Cruz's status as a natural born U.S. citizen.
I want it for the entertainment value.
I want it because turn around is fair play.
I want it for revenge.
I want it because if the right challenges political appointments, the left challenge political appointments. If the left brings impeachment proceedings, the right will bring impeachment proceedings. If the right can be petty, vindictive, and bring nonsensical arguements to global warming, conspiracies, the role of the media, and the birth eligibility of the president, why can't the left do the same thing.
It's only fair. And don't tell me I have to make sense, after these explanations from the birthers, science deniers, sessionists, radical religious fanatics, et. al.
My arguement may be lacking substance, but it is a lot better than theirs. At least Cruz is not born on U.S. soil.
So you say there's a chance?