Team Texas - Did Mack and DeLoss Drop the Ball?

umm, could it be that a lot of our guys who don't go on to play in the league decide to go on with their real life and not try to continue the dream in some brand new, likely to fail, minor league football concept.

I would hope that Mack and Deloss don't counsel or encourage kids to join up. Instead, the ones that have graduated should go get a job and start becoming the people they went to school to become.

Now, for a player like Geigger, I can see going to this league. He is one of those fiery guys who just doesn't have the athletic ability to play in the NFL, but you can tell he loves the game and probably really misses it.

Anyway, this post sounds kind of whiny. This whole concept won't start attracting the best until it proves it can compete and attract crowds and $$$. I know football is king, but there's a reason why there's never been a successful alternative league to the NFL. The USFL got closest, at a time when the NFL owners thought they had a right to get players for whatever they wanted to pay. The USFL changed that and then went away.

I think it's going to be hard to attract a big audience. The quality of football won't be as good as the NFL and it won't be as fun as college, even if the quality is good. And, it's going to be in the spring/summer, which is when most of us are trying to make up for being absent from our families from August thru January.

Let's see where this concept is in 3 years. If it is successful and it can actually be a recruiting advantage, I'm betting Mack is all over it. You really think he's going to let a recruiting advantage by without using it as well? Really?
afat - hang tough.....Keep the blog going . I think MB has enough to worry about without taking on another "league". I'm sure the information was provided to the players...if they wanted to enter then so beit....
Maybe some of guys are smart enough to realize that there are more satisfying jobs out there than playing pro football. Especially in a small time league. Even in the NFL guys with real talent sometimes quit and retire early just because there's more to themselves than football.

And James Brown??? How old is that guy now? He must be well into his 30's and several years removed from any playing field.
If "Team Texas" was looking out for its own best interest, it would be sure to "recruit" more Longhorns. We already have a professional team of aggy in Houston and they play big time competition at a place a lot nicer than Rice Stadium.
The XFL failed because it was gimmicky and resembled too much of the WWE, which Vince McMahon also owned. It started out like gang busters then faded as people grew tired of the shtick.

The Arena League is successful due to smaller venues and an alternative style of football (50 yards, man in motion, FGs are different, and a lot more passing). They also got ESPN on board. If the AAFL can get a good TV deal and market it to fans correctly, they will have a good shot at staying around for quite some time.

You all may think I'm crazy and/or an idiot, but it sure seems like there is something wonky here. We're one of the schools with just 1 player.