Team Texas - Did Mack and DeLoss Drop the Ball?

While I can think of a few things to "call out" Mack and Deloss on (non conference scheduling, for example).....this aint one of them.
I think Mack and DeLoss have more important things to do than worry about a minor league football team in Houston.

If your players are all college graduates, then they should be able to fill out an application if they want to play. And maybe it should be the responsibility of the new league to get the word out.
I would think that phone calls to both Team Texas and UT might have been a good idea.

As far as the 2007 seniors are concerned, they're probably concentrating more on the NFL?
I think it's ok for us to assume whoever did the research for that "dropped the ball' because scott derry is a business major. and like all business majors, he has to be in school about 5 years and that would be this May. oh and i guess i missed the part about Mack escorting all of our football players to classes. i think we should dock him a game check for being so irresponsible...
If the player has no real shot at the NFL and has a college degree then why would those players want to waste their time in some two-bit league that will be gone in 18 months.
While I would love for there to be more Horns on Team Texas, the AAFL seems to be all over the place right now. Their marketing and organizational system is horrific.

Maybe in the future, when the league is a little more established, we'll get some better communication going between Team Texas and UT.
Dropped the ball on this? I think not. They may be protecting the best interrests of our players by not hooking them up to a questionable league.
( NOTE: This is not an attempt to disrespect those who must ride the small school bus in the Morning.)

This propoised league and this hype is un sound financially and seems rather small bus...
It is ok to let the Aggy who cannot get into the NFL or find work fill its rosters...and let them give out loud and disruptive whoops as the bus leaves the stop to who knows where...
It seems like Team Texas and/or the AAFL may have dropped the ball on this one. They should be more responsible for promoting their league than a school - especially during recruiting season.
The AAFL/Team Texas? Who cares. I never heard of this thing before last week and can't say it's grabbed my attention. So the answer to your question - no, they didn't.
This new semi-pro league pays $50,000 a year. Why would graduates from UT whose UT football ties will generally help land them good jobs keep tearing up their bodies for so little financial reward?

The responsible thing for Mack and Deloss to do is tell the kids to steer clear of John Jenkins and not waste their time on a league that will be gone in a year or two.

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