TCU fans - why the negatives?

Give it up fellow Horns. Give the horny toad their due and root them on to bring the last Rosenblatt title back to the same State as the 1st one.

They beat us and did it on our home field. Tip your cap and let them have their moment in the sun. Sure, they're going to act like they haven't been there before because they haven't. Hell, they may never again. But they show more emotion than any other team in Omaha and by God they're from Texas so I'll root for them.
Too many good friends who went to TCU, if they can pull this off it will be great for them. Getting to experience this is something they deserve even if some of their fans dont.
pike, you handled tcu fans' b.s. very well. While watching the CWS, I am trying to segregate the tcu team from their fans' because I want to support the team that beat the Horns. But, I was at the Super Regional and personally witnessed some of the tcu players acting like ******** toward our fans. Bottom line for me: if they win the whole thing, great. But, if they don't it won't bother me at all. Like someone else has stated, they had a good ride and I hope they enjoyed it.
well, I'm rooting for TCU because almost all of their players are Texans. There's even one from Round Rock, of all places. He started today, was DH.

I think the two teams are now dead even going into tomorrow, even though TCU has played one game more than UCLA.

6 runs scored in 8 innings today by TCU's offense, their offense is remarkably consistent.

Today's game was almost over in the first inning. With the bases loaded, if that soft liner falls, two more runs score and it's 3-0 after one.

Winkler is due for a good pitching outing. He needs to pitch 7 strong, if he does, the Frogs most likely win. They should face a team that has played exactly the same number of games that TCU has, so it should be a great best of three.
Purke should be good to come back and start on Wednesday, or Tuesday if the Frogs are behind a game. If the frogs are ahead 1-0, I would think he would wait and plan to pitch on Wednesday, if needed.

Frogs have one hole, pitching wise for a final series and that's the Tuesday game. The starter who pitched on Wednesday should start on Monday, and Purke on Wednesday.
If Fonzie is froggies last hope today, they better pray for stellar d behind him. Ucla figured it out first game and if moldenhomer'd put a touch more pace on that ball, ucla'd be coming out of the LB to face Burnt Orange.
Interestingly enough TCU now has more wins in Omaha than aggy has in their entire history.
TCU has more wins in Omaha than all the fake TCU ones(Huskers 1-6) who've conveniently adopted TCU. Watching this afternoon's game I have to wonder if the stands are so empty because the Husker/TCU fan's team is losing to UCLA 3-10 after 7.
My wife went to TCU and loved it. She isn't one of "those" fans you are talking about. She continues to voice an opinion that both UT and TCU would have been the way to go this year.

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