I have heard Obama use the $60,000 amount as the cut off for 'working class'. For a family of four with $60,000 taxable, the gross wages would be in the low $80's.

If people think we are going to have UHC and expand education spending, and only tax the rick, they are sorely mistaken.
one thing to note, we already have universal coverage when you count local taxes for indigent care. I doubt federalizing it will make it better, but it is some sort of silver lining that money already in the total combined tax system is already there. Maybe property taxes will go down. HA.
You posted . "If people think we are going to have UHC and expand education spending, and only tax the rich, they are sorely mistaken. "
You forgot the bail out for people who can't pay their mortgages/
and people believe what they want to believe.
I am disappointed that so very many people actually would prefer the Gov't take care of them, cradle to grave. maybe they'd like the4 Uk better or france or any socialist coun try.
there are still some here who don't mind hard work and understand the gov't MUST not do everything fror us if we are to stay a super power

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