TAMUCC vs. Texas

Danford will bat from the right side with two on.
A passed ball will move the runners to second and third.
Infield in to try and cut off the run.

Skip out to talk and it will be tough now to keep it tied.
The count runs full and a fast ball on the outside corner for a K is a big first out.

Lee up lefty and he will be put on to load the bases and set up the double play and a force at home.

Perales, the DH, bats righty, with the bases loaded.
A fly ball to right foul and Shaw lets it drop, as it would have scored the lead run.
A pitch that certainly looked good, as Cantu was celebrating was called a ball.
A ground ball to right of Baker and his only play is at first as the run scores on the 4-3.

Islanders lead 4-3.

Salas is put on to load the bases again.

Clarke bats righty with the bases loaded, from the right side.
A pop up to shallow right and Baker and Shaw look at each other and it drops for a hit that scores two more.
That should have been caught.

Islanders lead 6-3.

Burner bats lefty with two on and two down.
A ground ball to second and the 4-6 retires the side.

Bad inning there, the Islanders lead 6-3 to the bottom of the tenth.

Wow, don't want to get ahead of a splendid game thread, but Shore Aggie just blew open the game 6-3 in the 10th inning. Horns better get a serious rally going or another severe Augie *** chewing is coming.
Dorris can now go for the win in the tenth.

Johnson leads off from the right side.
He sends a laser to the gap in left center and he makes it a triple with his speed.

Shaw bats lefty, with one on.
A ground ball to second is a 4-3 out as the run scores.

Islanders lead 6-4.

Cantu bats righty, with one down.
The count runs full and he walks on a low pitch.

Barrera becomes the tying run, from the right side, with one on and one away.
Mathis will run for Cantu.
A long drive to left center and the left fielder makes the running catch passing behind the center fielder. Never thought he would get there. It's two down.

Stell bat with one on and two down.
A ground ball to third and the 5-3 ends the game.

Islanders win 6-4 and now a four game losing streak for Texas.

A bad loss any way you look at that, after having two shots to win the game. Be back in a minute.
Well Texas may be in first place in the Big 12, but that loss just dropped them out of the top 25 in some polls, I bet, unless they win the series in Stillwater, this weekend.

Texas should be in first place, after playing the two worst teams in the conference at home. Now they limp into Stillwater on a four game losing streak. The offense is struggling, to say the least, the defense even looked shaky tonight. The base running is an adventure at times too.

OSU may not be in first place in the Big 12, but in their only conference series, they went into Fort Worth and beat #1 ranked TCU two out of three. I think I would rather be them than us, right now. Texas either picks it up, or the season could go bad quickly. I hope the pitching stays strong at least. Let's see where the Horns are on Easter night, as far as the conference goes. As I said after the third loss against Nebraska, the team is at a crossroad and which way will they go? It's all up to them now. :hookem:

Limping by at 17-12 after 29 games is pretty sobering. Especially considering the 2014 team was 24-5 after their first 29. This team is 7 games back of last year's pace at 29 games. Neither the pitching or hitting has shown any consistency or overpowering promise that says we're staying alive in a road regional.

It's still kinda early and not quite time for doomsday comments, but this is the first year in a while our pitching is not pretty solid and something that may carry us in the playoffs. We are a fairly good team (and I use that distinction lightly) at a lot of things so far, but no key aspect shows the promise of Omaha type good even with a little more seasoning.

If we don't clean it up and keep winning the next few conference series, this ship may beach itself more sooner than later. The series in Stillwater against 19-9 Okie State is nearly a must-win to regain confidence and faith in themselves. Also, it's a team that will challenge for the reg season conference title.

I certainly don't see the fire, hunger, and willpower I saw at this time last year. Our players don't look to be having much fun at all at the park, and their lackluster play clearly shows it. Get it together, Horns. These recent Tuesday flops are pretty embarrassing, not to mention 3 runs in 33 innings versus Corn Aggy. Boooooo!!!
The pitching is fine and would be better if Morgan Cooper, had not been lost for the season. It's the new ball era. The pitching should go down a little. It's the hitting that is lacking, as it has for the last several years. Even the new ball hasn't solved this ongoing problem for Texas.



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