TAKS test affect recruits?


500+ Posts
What, if any, effect does the TAKS (or whatever it is now) have on a recruit? Specifically, if they don't pass TAKS, does it mean anything wrt going to college?

My thought is no, but if someone knows, let me know.
ehh.. w/e effect it had, it's about to be done w/.

When I was a Sr in HS (class of '07), there was a lot of talk about new tests. Supposedly, by next year, or the year after, they're putting a new sort of test into effect. It's not quite the TAKS, and QUITE a bit different than TAKS, or the previous generations. Now, it's sort of like a "final" for every class you're taking. Pretty much, you're getting a second final on all of your classes, even electives ( I believe). I think, overall, that's good though, as it's a LOT more relevant information than what is currently on the TAKS. I remember my problem w/ the TAKS test was that I was in Calculus my Jr year, yet my TAKS test was over like.. Geometry. It was lame, b/c I took geometry my last year in Jr High..

Besides, big classes like History were always lame, as you can't cover ALL of history, and that TAKS test was AWFULLY specific.

Now I go to UT though, and won't ever have to worry about those ever again
First of all, if someone can't pass the 11th grade history TAKS, they shouldn't go to college anyhow. I think the state passing rate for that one was like 88 percent, including the urban districts. It's the math that throws students off.

As the previous poster stated, TAKS is on its way out, to be replaced by an end-of-course (EOC) exam. It'll have some of the same ramifications, like you can only take it a certain amount of times to "qualify" for advancement to college. So theoretically, yes, you could fail the TAKS and not qualify to go to UT. But since they get so many retake opportunities, with a little extra "help," it's also theoretically impossible for them not to pass eventually.
I just administered a TAKs review course for seniors who should have graduated this past May. They have a final shot to take it tomorrow. If they fail, I don't know if they get another chance. they amy have to get a GED.
The handful of kids I helped out really didn't have it upstairs. They worked hard and certainly care, but they just don't have the problem solving ability that a majority of students attain.
I've heard that a certain 5-star safety failed ALL FOUR parts of the TAKS, so I was wondering if that would have an affect on him playing.

I don't think it will.... SEC and whatnot.
I completely agree with Horns11. If students can't pass the TAKS test....they should go to College...muchless to UT.

It is really embarrasing when even students that come from Mexico can pass all sections of the test with ease. Either the education in TEXAS is horrible, or the test is super easy.
TAKS doesn't stop a student from being "placed" in the next grade--local districts often ignore the -You have to pass to go to the next grade as in advance vs placed

I don't know that there are loopholes in the EOC exams, but students have numerous shots at passing

nothing would surprise me-- I see some students that are athletes that are placed in special Ed or AP to ensure they pass classes-- things sound so much more " accountable" than yrs ago-- but how the state of Texas stacks up against national ranking in the SAT or ACT has changed little in the last 25 yrs and the SAT " curved" test scores 250 points 15 yrs or so ago.
As a recent TAKS taker, i would not hesitate to say that as long as you comprehend basic skills, and i mean basic. Like 4x=8 basic (and thats its bad as it gets). You can pass this test with flying colors.
While i was taking this test during my junior year in high school, i thought the math and history part were extremely easy, but i felt that the science part was a little difficult. However, i thought this while taking the test, when i got my actual test scores back they were passing with flying colors. So yes, if you've gone through 12 grades of school, i dont see any reason to not pass this test.
TAKS doesn't stop your grade advancement, but it does stop your graduation if you cannot pass the exit level. Texas (and pretty much every state, thanks to NCLB) ignores any safeguards or necessary steps to fix the problem for kids who fail in 3rd, 5th, 8th, and the other "main" testing grade bumps.

No diploma = no entry to schools in other states, either.

But, like I said, it's nearly "impossible" to fail out the max times with the amount of help some of these kids get. Some athletes are classified as 504 or "accommodated" so they can have all the questions read to them, in a voice that might "gently lead" them to the proper response. I know with 100 percent certainty that I've met a UT athlete who fit that description, and if there's one, there's more.

As for the students who aren't strong or fast, well, they're SOL.
If you don't pass the TAKS you don't graduate.

You need a HS diploma to go to college. Not sure about OU, I need to do more research.
I once tutored a D1A player who could not get '2x8=__' : "18?" he guessed. When I finally told the answer, he had an epiphany: "Hey, that's the same as 8x2!"

On a good day, a loaf of bread might pass TAKS. There is no good solution, as some deserving kids will always find ways to fail tests, and some ignoramuses will continue to squeak through.
Texas Jack,

To get into uo, you only need half your teeth. If you're a football player, you don't even need that.

uo has one of the worst rankings in academics of any of the largest public schools in the country. It's a pathetic place to even attempt to get an education. They are ranked 108th -- right up there with Howard, Clark and the University of Missouri - Rolla.

I wouldn't hire one of those gomers if somebody paid me.
Texas Jack nailed it. You have to pass the TAKS to graduate from a public high school (note, I've heard of guys go to private high schools to avoid the TAKS).

You have to graduate high school to play ball your first year...oh yeah and also get into school.
if correct, this will be interesting to see...

there's a highly recruited player (not coming to texas) who failed all 4 parts of the TAKS...

i'm sure he'll eventually 'pass' though.
You don't see that happening so much anymore. TEA really frowns upon a high number of students in special ed programs. These students are now required to take and pass the TAKS in many cases as well. It's not a free pass anymore.
Gently leading shows a lack of integrity by the test reader. My integrity would be much more important to me than seeing somebody gets special treatment. I would hope that all teachers would feel this way.
Outliers are poor ways to judge two populations wrt each other. Median and SD are much better tools. I would hope that those foolish enough to brag about the comparability of their OU degrees reconsider their arguments after this extraordinarily remedial statistics refresher.

Pickens is a crooked Aggie reject who is currently facilitating his big project with eminent domain powers the state leg traded him for campaign cash (he donated to every single representative). Holding him out as part of the OSU counterexample might not be the best idea either.

Congratulations, though, to those who were graduated from OU and succeeded in life. I am happy for you, but that hardly puts OU on UT's academic level.

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