Tackle breakdown


25+ Posts
I was bored at work so I decided to breakdown the defense and its tackling numbers. I took the depth chart against Colorado and added up the tackles they have had in non-conference play. The total was 241. The actual total tackles is 247 but some of those were by kickers so they aren't counted here. The breakdown is interesting....

D-Line starters: 39 tackles
D-Line total: 57 tackles
D-Line percentage of total tackles: 24%

LB starters: 54 tackles
LB total: 96 tackles
LB percentage of total tackles: 40%

D-Back starters: 61 tackles
D-Back total: 88 tackles
D-Back percentage of total tackles: 36%

At first I was upset because yet again the starters in the secondary had the most tackles. That is never a good thing. But then I looked deeper. In breaking it down by percentage we see that the linebackers are actually making the majority of the tackles for the defense. I think this is a big sign that Muschamp is on the right track. Our LBs have been some of our most talented players and now they are actually on the field and making plays. Imagine if this had happened last year.
I used the official tackle numbers from texassports.com. It's easy to add up the numbers.

D-line starters: 39 tackles
Orakpo: 17 tackles
Miller: 12 tackles
Houston: 7 tackles
Melton: 3 tackles

LB starters: 54 tackles
Kindle: 17 tackles
Bobino: 7 tackles
Muckelroy: 30 tackles

D-back starters: 61 tackles
Palmer: 13 tackles
Thomas: 18 tackles
Gideon: 14 tackles
Brown: 16 tackles

You can check the totals but the last time I checked 61 tackles was more then 54 tackles or 39 tackles.
I also think if you had read the whole post you would have seen that I also state that the LBs are making the highest percentage of tackles which means they are making the most plays. The annoying thing is these same LBs have been on campus for the last three years.
We definitely have some talent at linebacker.

Too bad we face a spread offense every week, which neutralizes a lot of that talent (forces you to pull an LB in favor of a 5th DB).
It looks like no matter how you slice it we're seeing a very positive sign for the defense that namely the LBs (who should be making the majority of the tackles) are actually doing so for once.
Hey Garcia - thanks for taking the time to look these up and post them with your thoughts. Maybe you can find some reading comp classes for gem while your add it. It was obvious that you were speaking in terms of units and his first salvo was about individuals - that should have been your first clue to ignore him. The fact that he wanted to argue about your initial reaction, which you openly claimed was inaccurate should have been your second. The fact he did so with a sarcastic, better-than-thou approach - despite the fact that he was the one making mistakes should be your third.
Of course to make any of these numbers truly represent something you have to know who is tackling on what type of offensive play. If the DB's are tackling guys running the ball up the gut that might indicate a problem with the line or the linebackers.

If you are playing a team that mostly passes to receivers down the field your line's numbers are going to look weak. Unless they are getting a ton of sacks they probably won't be in on many tackles.

I haven't seen all of Texas' games this year but they seem to be tackling well from the bits and pieces I have watched.
In the past our linebackers seem to have been coached to "plug holes". Instead of looking to get the ball carrier, they have filled gaps, (and failed!). Or couldn't catch up to a slot receiver they were assigned to cover.

I believe the point of this post is to point out that the coaching deficiencies of the past may have been addressed, since the LBs are having more success.
Gem, didn't I see you arguing with a lamp post on 6th street last night?

Or should I say 'sixth' street..oops...should I have capitalized that... oh is it or or are, are is it or are are ...gee I always forget...this is so confusing...
Truce fellow Longhorns. There is no need to argue amongst ourselves. I do apologize sincerely for my posts that were sarcastic or rude. My only endeavor in posting the tackles and who is getting them is to underline the fact that our LBs are making the most plays. Something that should have been going on since the day that Norton, Kindle, and Muckelroy stepped on the Forty Acres. Muschamp has already improved our defense immensely if this is the only thing he changes.