Nikki Haley threatens unilateral US action in Syria if UN doesn't act.
Before I comment, let me toss out the obligatory "Obama sucks," "John Kerry screwed up Syria in the first place," and "Hillary would have been worse." Now that those are out of the way, what the hell is the plan here? Just recently, we said that ousting Assad isn't our top priority anymore. Assuming Assad was responsible for the chemical attack, have our priorities changed? Trump says his view on Assad has changed and that he has "crossed a lot of lines" (invoking Obama's red line comment).
Link. Of course, "speaking Trump" is never easy, but trying to harmonize Trump's comments and Haley's, it sounds like we're very seriously considering military action.
If we decide to do that, then what's the strategy? Will we pull half-assed options like we usually do (airstrikes, small ground forces that are big enough to fight some bad guys but not big enough to occupy)? Will we try to get Russia to turn on Assad, jointly oust him, rout ISIS, and form a joint US-Russian occupation of Syria and all ISIS-controlled areas? That would probably be the best case scenario. However, if Russia sticks with Assad, do we walk out with our tail between our legs, or will we go after Assad anyway and risk a direct military confrontation with Russia?
Like I've said previously, I'm not an Assad fan, but I don't think ousting him should be our top priority. Furthermore, even if he's responsible for the chemical attack, I'm not sure that fact all by itself justifies a major war followed by a very messy occupation. I hope Trump is really thinking this stuff through. In light of the fact that he has been horribly inconsistent and "all over the place" on foreign policy and national security, I'm a bit worried.