I love that people are actually thinking!!
Thank you for pointing out my failure to finish the story...
This graph shows a direct correlation between more vaccines and more deaths.
Please note: the Y-axis is deaths per 100,000, so a larger population is a non-factor.
I realize I am presenting an alternative view and it is difficult to believe...until you actually take a look at the facts.
Above, when quoting the CDC's leader on the subject of Smallpox, many berated me because a book they read said something different. Then, I present articles from the British Medical Journal that contradict what you have been told and I am called names.
When I present something, it is backed by sources and studies - or simply fact - like the fact that the flu shot is not working.
When you listen to the media, take everything with a grain of salt. Pharmaceutical companies spend billions -with a b- of dollars a month and are very influential with mainstream media.
Did you know that in late August the US stopped testing for swine flu? BUT YET, the number of deaths from the swine flu have QUADRUPLED in the last couple of months! That is not science - it is an estimation! Doctors/labs are guessing that flu-like symptoms are the Swine Flu and the CDC is using these as ammunition in the spread of their fear pandemic.
This flu pandemic is only a fear pandemic. They try and scare you into buying their vaccines.
Aspirin kills 400% More Than The Swine Flu . Note the source: The American Journal of Medicine.