Swine Flu Distribution and the New Caste System

I guess Dr. Joel Kuritsky, the CDC's director of the Preparedness and Early Smallpox Response Activity for the National Immunization Program, is just crazy for stating it is not highly contagious.

As for the polio vaccine, see this link. It shows a huge increase in cancer in nations that mass vaccinated versus nations that didn't. It is estimated in the Lancet (3/9/02) that half of the 55,000 cases each year of Lymphomas are due to the vaccine. Polio was not eradicated, it was simply renamed after the introduction of the vaccine. There is a direct correlation between a drop in polio diagnoses and a raise in meningitis diagnoses. Same disease - different name.

link Scroll down and listen to Neil Miller from 10/6 in the webinar entitled "Flu Vaccine Exposed".
I don't need to click on your links to understand the difference, Garbage. I'm a doctor. In my career, I've done THOUSANDS of spinal taps to look for meningitis. Most recently yesterday. So don't ******* challenge me on the semantics of polio and meningitis, OK? The "meningitis" that you claim has exploded since the widespread use of the polio vaccine, is definitely, positively NOT the "same disease" as polio, as you stated.

I didn't click on your link about your supposed "link" of polio vaccine and cancer either. I sort of doubt that is shows any causation, though. Maybe cancer rates are higher because of smoking. Or low-fiber diets. Or exposure to other carcinogens. Or maybe those countries that eradicated polio had fewer deaths from infectious disease, leaving a higher % of their populations to die from cancer.

Anyway, when you're an anti-vaccine evangelist, I'm sure every malady can be traced back to the vaccines, right? I mean, here you are claiming that increased cancer rates and "meningitis" are both traced back to vaccines.

I realize, of course, that I have about as much chance of changing your mind as a Mormon missionary knocking on Tom Cruise's door.

FYI, I have also taken care of perfectly healthy children who died from the swine flu. Recently. And normally I'm all in favor of skepticism and doubt -- I think it keeps everybody honest. I'm also open to alternative medicine, Eastern medicine, etc. But in this particular case, no matter how well-intentioned you are, you are spreading a very, very destructive message based on pseudoscience and the careful selection of a tiny number of studies against mountains of evidence that destroy your flimsy arguments.
nice to know you are a doctor and that you've learned to cuss.

be sure not to look at all the evidence and continue on your path of destruction. if you would have checked into it, the SV-40 virus which is traceable to monkey kidneys that were infected and used in the Salk vaccine was found in 42% of the tested tumors. the only way for that to happen was to get a vaccine made with infected monkey organs, or have intimate contact with a monkey. which do you think happened more frequently?

pseudoscience is continuing to vaccinate for the flu in your office when there is research from the British Medical Journal from October 2006 that reviewed all pertinent influenza vaccination studies and found and found that flu vaccines had little or no effect on campain objectives, such as hospital stays, time off from work, or death from influenza and it's complications.

i don't hate vaccines, i hate being lied to. there is NO evidence that the flu shot works. see the graph posted above.

forget everything else said here - focus on the flu shot and the absolute fact that it does not work.
i've not heard any explanation for this: Flu Shot's Failure To Change Anything

explain away.

are we having fun yet?

Exactly. The graph shows mortality rates combined for influenza and pneumonia. And even then there is an obvious decrease in mortality from 1935 to 1955. The influenza vaccine has only been used since 1945 so only part of the decline can be explained by the vaccine.

However you cannot compare the vaccine's effectiveness by just comparing it to overall mortality rates during a certain time period. The big problem is that many do not get vaccinated. If you look at who died and then compare that to who got vaccinated and who did not get vaccinated then you will see a higher % in the unvaccinated group.

And again, the problem today, this year, is that hte vaccine is being manufactured at low of a rate b/c there are not enough manufacturers. This is the real problem. Not the distribution of what is being made. If there were more vaccine available, both regular influenza and H1N1, then there would be no issue here.
I love that people are actually thinking!!

Thank you for pointing out my failure to finish the story...

This graph shows a direct correlation between more vaccines and more deaths.
Please note: the Y-axis is deaths per 100,000, so a larger population is a non-factor.

I realize I am presenting an alternative view and it is difficult to believe...until you actually take a look at the facts.

Above, when quoting the CDC's leader on the subject of Smallpox, many berated me because a book they read said something different. Then, I present articles from the British Medical Journal that contradict what you have been told and I am called names.

When I present something, it is backed by sources and studies - or simply fact - like the fact that the flu shot is not working.

When you listen to the media, take everything with a grain of salt. Pharmaceutical companies spend billions -with a b- of dollars a month and are very influential with mainstream media.

Did you know that in late August the US stopped testing for swine flu? BUT YET, the number of deaths from the swine flu have QUADRUPLED in the last couple of months! That is not science - it is an estimation! Doctors/labs are guessing that flu-like symptoms are the Swine Flu and the CDC is using these as ammunition in the spread of their fear pandemic.

This flu pandemic is only a fear pandemic. They try and scare you into buying their vaccines.

Aspirin kills 400% More Than The Swine Flu . Note the source: The American Journal of Medicine.

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