Sweet Sixteen - Horns vs Xavier

Mitchell commits 3rd foul. We really can’t afford to lose any more bigs. Bishop has three too.
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Man, they are going to be in the bonus with about 15 minutes left in the game. We are having to use a really small lineup. Rebounding is going to be a chore.
It appears Horns are avenging every bad thing that has happened in the last 20 years at the NCAA tourney tonight.
With this team it has been someone different stepping up every game. Rice, then Disu, now Hunter. Carr has done positive Carr things for the most part in every game. Allen has been a key defensively.
At 5’9” I never had the option. But I have always wonder why a player who can dunk and is at the net on a breakaway lays the ball up instead of a dunk. Then misses. Why not just out it in the hole.Happens a lot.

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