held an "expert" marksmanship badge with its forebearer, the M16
held an "expert" marksmanship badge with its forebearer, the M16
Thank you for your service. I, too, earned that distinction with the M16 (being “huah” with the armored infantry as an air liaison officer and M9 on my survival vest in the event I needed a “nylon letdown.” (Eject))
I do not use my veteran status to legitimize my philosophy, however.
Since you highlighted yours, however, why do you think/feel/believe you are unqualified to define “assault rifle” as you previously stated
I appreciate the desire to “do something” to minimize/mitigate/mark as ‘history’ criminal behavior ... but I also recognize, as we were rightly told by the left back in the 80s during Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority work ... “YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE MORALITY” ... which I would also add ... BEHAVIOR... because morality without behavior is just a bunch of hot air.
The best we can do and still honor the tenets of our founding is ... be ready. I said it before, but evidently it’s not being taken seriously. There is risk in participating in freedom; risk of offense. Risk of illness, risk of injury ... and risk of death. We do not live in a vacuum but we must be vigilant against efforts to surrender the rights we have declared for the last 241 years and have had emblazoned in our Founding ...
It’s easy to begin to believe it’s right to start/continue/accelerate such “reasonable limits” on the 2A ... because we’ve never been without it. We are pretty far removed from those who were ... and even any of their following generations who may have known them.
It’s our responsibility, however. Do not forget the words of Ben Franklin when he answered the question “Well, Dr, what do we have; a republic or a monarchy?” “A republic, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT.”
I don’t know if Franklin was referring to the construct of the government, or the determination to keep the Founding tenets intact and active ... I suspect both. I find calls to slap infringement upon the citizen’s right is a tell we are surrendering the republic for what we perceive is greater security in a big central government.
It’s sad. We’ve been handed the greatest nation ever to exist on the planet .. by LOTS of initial and enduring sacrifice. We are bequeathing inter generational slavery with the national debt, loss of freedom to the government, and complete inversion with what is proper and correct in word definition.
May God have mercy on us for our rebellion.