sushi japon

I never, EVER eat sushi on Sunday. Some places get some of their sushi on thursday, I dont think very many, if any get theirs on Friday, but if you eat it on Sunday, its been sitting around for at least 3 days. If you are talking Toro, that'll pretty much ruin it. Snapper or Slamon might be ok, but the more meaty fish will be pretty bad.
you raise a good point

does anyone want to go friday and/or saturday? i think unpainted said he would be down but i don't want to read above
i ate @ Kyoto tonight, happy hour, awesome stuff and fairly affordable at the happy hour prices
I love the Kyoto happy almost full hour. Bargain and good.

I would go but I am prob. going to the University of Texas Baseball game on Friday afternoon/evening.
i don't know. if you leave the baseball game and go back, you wouldn't have missed anything.

whoever is in for friday, pm me so we have some sort of organization.
If somebody will pick me up at the baseball game and bring me back, I will go.
no need, friday is my day off. however if it were mon-thurs and you had an inkling, i'd need a ride.

so far i think we have enough people to not be able to sit at the bar
Hmm, I've been meaning to try that place, but was waiting for a review. I always forget about this forum.

Although eating there would be like cheating on Uchi, which I've never condoned in my administration.