Super Bowl Ads

The parade balloons was the only decent one. It was the only one out of this crop that would have even aired during the golden era of Super Bowl ads when Bud and Bud Light still vied for the Bud Bowl crown each year.
The Panda commercial was a blatantly racist caricature. Like blackface , long duck dong or Mickey Rooney in the Breakfast at Tifanys
The best one was a local ad for a Cadillac dealership in the DFW area. It was TO crying about his Cadillac. I wish everyone could have seen it. Bet it shows up on line somewhere.
Oh yeah, forgot the pigeon commercial, that was good-I laughed. And I forgot the other one that made me switch channels, the Tide whatever it was with two people talking. Why would anyone want to do this to the viewers? They should be shot in the face with a nuclear rifle.
I actually thought there were several good ones, better than last year anyway. I think the Superbowl hype now leads to unrealistic expectations of not only the game itself, but the commercials. There have always been a large number of "normal" commercials mixed in with the really good ones, and this year was no different.

Anyway, the ones I liked were:

FedEx homing pigeons (this one was my favorite)
Baby E-trade (I liked both of 'em)
Will Ferrell/Bud Light
Audi R8
Pepsi/Justin Timberlake
Bridgestone/Richard Simmons

I haven’t decided if I liked it or not, but the UnderArmour one was certainly compelling.

Of course, there were plenty of normal/non-special/boring ones, but the only ones I thought were just flat-out bad were the Careerbuilder and SalesGenie.

Still, we’re now talking about CareerBuilder and SalesGenie (which I’d never even heard of), so perhaps they were effective if not entertaining…
it was racist, just like blackface. true, the panda's might have been real but while this is only anecdotal, every minority i spoke to said it was a racist commercial. a bad commercial is just bad, like the heart one, that was just bad. but sales genie was racist, worse than bad. but thats just my humble opinion.

i liked the rat/dorito one the best cause it surprised us. overall i thought it all of them were ok, seen worse, definitely seen better.
There is a damn good reason that the Go Daddy Commerical they wanted to air didnt.

I liked it, and I really liked their creativity. But you cant tell me its appropriate to have a woman look right at the camera and tell everyone they cant see her beaver and NOT think HOLY ****!!!

Remember, with the uber attacking FCC all it takes is one complaint saying someone was offended to start the ball rolling...
This year was better than the last few years.

Rocky horse
cheese disguise
Charlie Brown
talking baby
Will Ferrell
I always like the caveman motif so the beer one with the wheel was great.

I'd say the quality really is declining over the years with ads going to juvenile tendencies and the "Toby Keith" type dumbass demographic. A noticable lack of sophistication, don' t y'all agree?
The pandas may not have been making a judgement (i.e. Asians are stupid), but they were certainly mocking the stereotypical accent. Maybe it's the fact that they were so poorly done. It may not have been racist, but it was playing up a stereotype, and that can be just as offensive.

The difference between that and a Chappelle, Murphy or Don Rickels act is that there is an expectation with those three. Commercials over public airwaves have different expectations. Just like when I go to the strip club I expect to see tits, but having godaddy broadcast them over the airwaves... unacceptable. There's a time and a place.

Then again they could have gone all in and had the car the pandas were driving crash into ****.
Jeez, remember you're watching ADS!!! You avoid them like the plague 364 days a year and now you've become brainwashed into thinking this is some sort of groundbreaking 30 second cinema. They're still just ******* commercials.
You're right, but the thing is that ads can be very creative and entertaining. The idea was always that the SB ads were the time when ad companies brought their best stuff. There has always been a dropoff as the game went on, but it does seem that this year was particularly lame from the start.
I liked two of the ads - (1) the Clydesdale doing the Rocky training and (2) Charlie Brown and the Coke ballloons. The rest of the ads were way below the standards of the old Super Bowl ads.

I agree there is nothing that protects us from being offended. Did anyone say that they should be arrested? The 1st Amendment protects you from the gov't, not from me (that sounds really cool if you use a Rambo voice).

But to say that mocking another culture's accent isn't racist is wrong. How you feel about that is a different story. You may be okay with "a little racism". That doesn't necessarily make you racist BTW.

In the case of a comedy routine (Chapelle, Rickels, South Park) a little (okay a LOT) of racism is expected and accepted. It works for them because they are skilled enough to make it funny. They also don't limit themselves to one group.

If you're gonna use race for humor you better make sure your audience is willing to go there and you better make sure it's funny. An unfunny panda ad during the SB (a nonspecific audience) is not the smartest place to be a little racist.

But yeah, most of the ads sucked this year.
I don't care what yall say, the Tide commercial with the stain interrupting everything the interviewee was saying was ******* hilarious. No face, just a stain with a mouth talking jibberish...that was awesome!!!
There were plenty of bad ones, but this was definitely better than the last couple of years thanks to talking stain, carrier pigeons, giant rat, screaming animals, and richard simmons.

I guess I'm the only one but I didn't think much of the Rocky/Clydesdale one. Commercials are at their best when they surprise you with something - 1/3 of the way into that one you knew how the last 2/3rds was going to be.

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