Sunset Valley roads


25+ Posts
What the heck are they doing there?

As if that series of S curves on Jones Road in front of their community building isn't bad enough, they've blocked off at least one, if not more, of the entrances/exits to the Burger Center parking lot on the pressbox side of the football stadium.

Because of that new shopping center that's going up and taking out that neat old farmhouse, they've also torn out the side road that gave you access to Kohls/Red Robin off of Ernest Robles, and taken out the left turn lane into the shopping center next to Luby's off of Brodie.

It's basically becoming even more of a pain in the caboose getting around over there now. And that doesn't take into account the traffic that all the development on Brodie near 290 is generating.

End of rant.
The S curves are there because otherwise everyone would go 70mph down that road.

As for the rest, they claim they have a plan. But right now it's a little hard to get in and out of places.