Sunday morning quarterbacking


Horns were DOOMED from the start vs. La Tech.... bad karma still lingering from last 2 Maryland openers!!
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This kicking game! I swear! The coaches need to put an ad right now in the front page of the Daily Texan for anyone who: (1) was a kicker or punter in HS, or (2) is a good soccer player. Heck, we might even poach our womens' soccer team for a serviceable kicker or punter.

Haven't punted since High School but I bet I could still average 38 - 40 yards a punt... I'll punt Coach and I still have eligibility and won't need a scholarship!
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We never should have switched to these Australian / Rugby style punts. Field position cost us the game.

I bet when Bujcevski goes out for dinner tonight he'll order the Lamb SHANK!
I told you Whit was going to get over 100 yards rushing. He is a beast- with shake and bake. And our tight ends got some camera time.

Like this thread!
I just came back form the future, and Here are my list of complaints with Coach Binder's decision making, in no particular order.

-We should have ran the ball when we threw it, and we should have threw the ball when we ran it.
-And we should have gone for it on fourth when we kicked it, and we should have kicked it when we went for it.
- And we should have made the tackles that we did not make. Period. There is no excuse for not making all the tackles.
- And we should have intercepted the ball when they caught a TD passes, instead of not making that interceptions.

Also, what was with that post game interview? Herman should have been madder! or less mad..., depending on your point of view.

On the other hand the special teams which were "special" and you can take that however you like, as a positive or a negative.
Can't believe Herman called that play where Ehlinger throws a pick on a deep ball to the endzone.

Even stupider was when he went for it on 4th down and called the play where we get tackled in the backfield instead of the play where the runner breaks the tackle.
I just think our guys are overthinking. Don't evaluate, don't tip toe, don't hesitate, don't think, just plant your foot and go like their hair is on fire! And their urine was too dark! Selfish!
Move Jake and Collin Johnson to RB, Ingram to slot, Brewer to fullback, Duvernay to RB, J. Whitt to QB, switch Cosmi from LT to RT and Okafor from RT to LT, tell Braun his redshirt is pulled and he's playing Center next week, and we need to take a serious look at moving some of our DTs to the offensive line.

I also have a 15 name list of return men who would have performed better than what we saw ...
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To any LSU fans lurking around who think we've gone completely loopy ...

These are pretty darn close to many actual comments posted on all UT boards* after a poor performance.

*it's not just

As my dear departed grandpa used to say, "Oftentimes a bad beginning leads to a good ending."

Trouble is, he also used to say that "If you start out wrong, you'll end up wrong!"

So .... uhm ....
Guys & Gals.... all this introspection, criticism & loathing..............

It all boils down to one thing:

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I mean by God, we're the University of Texas! Hell, we've got our own damn network!
I just don't understand why we don't do better. Can we still get Saban? Or that Babo fellow? I mean Dabo.
Been in Colorado climbing 14,000 ft peaks all weekend enjoying being away from the world yet being in it! Phone only on for pics! Slept late with my wonderful pup spending Dogs day with her!! Then I open this!!!! WTF I thought!!!! Pup looks at my face and she is like WTF is wrong? Once I gathered my wits, got my bearings, breathed a sigh of relief I smiled My two cents? I don’t know if we lost and were embarrassed or won in embarrassing fashion but we didn’t want LSU to see anything! Out comes the “kitchen sink “ next week! You guys about ruined Dog Day
Quick! Somebody forward the attached DKR tackling techniques video to Orlando! He'll need it before LSU.

Hmmmm, I guess we should also be drinking Coca-Cola on the sidelines instead of water and/or Gatorade. Maybe get a $ sponsorship for it or something -- the AD will like that.
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I can't believe I'm the only one on this thread saying it's crazy to talk about firing Tom Herman! Two great recruiting classes, two impressive bowl wins ... and you guys are sure we can find someone better because we have one bad day. We can still have a great season, win conference and go to a really nice bowl.
I can't believe I'm the only one on this thread saying it's crazy to talk about firing Tom Herman! Two great recruiting classes, two impressive bowl wins ... and you guys are sure we can find someone better because we have one bad day. We can still have a great season, win conference and go to a really nice bowl.
3 lousy season openers will do that. Why do his teams always play down to lesser opponents? Maddening.

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