As a staunch conservative, I agree with much of what Buffett says - the entire tax system should be revamped, including closing the loopholes and eliminating corporate welfare. I agree that 17% is less tax than is likely appropriate for high income earners, but it's not just a matter of ratcheting up the rates as Obama and most libs want to do, it's a matter of taking out all the favors that politicians of both stripes have doled out.
However, if we don't fix the spending, it's all irrelevant. If Buffett and the rest of the super rich paid ALL their income to the government, it wouldn't make a dent in the deficit. IT'S A SPENDING PROBLEM!
Buffett would have more credibility if he said that he believes so intensely that he and his peers should pay more tax that he's voluntarily giving another 17% to the government, his message would be much more powerful. Just sayin' ...
And as to why Buffett is willing his money to the Gates Foundation rather than to the government, it's because in all his money-making wisdom, he knows that the foundation would do more good with it. We're trying to do way to much with the government that charities should be doing. They would do it more efficiently and more effectively.
I have more to say, but I'll just tee these up for now.