The major problems in our economy are not Bush tax rate cuts, nor Obama WH policies with regards to business. The main problem is very weak fundamentals, and some basic flaws in our economy. We are a consumer based economy, which has it's major major drawbacks. One other massive problem with this, is that we didn't do this based on purchasing power with real dollars, but rather on consumer debt and credit. This is why the credit market drying up had such a magnified effect on our economy, but not on all economies in the world.
This was seen in no greater detail than in the housing market, which is almost ALL debt derived. VERY few people own a house outright, with many many having put nothing down and so there is no large equity in the home. Home prices drop, and it is easy to be upside down.
Obama didn't do this, Bush didn't do this, and it didn't happen over night. Since the 1950's easy and cheap credit have been pushed upon the American people. Just think to the sign up for a CC in college and get a free tshirt or hat promos on campus. People get in over their heads before they know it and the average consumer debt in the US is astronomically high.
This is the root of our problems. Our government over the same time frame has acted in kind. Borrowing, borrowing, borrowing.. and fairly cheaply at that. As a kid I always thought high interest rates were good, because the only money I had with interest rates attached were savings vehicles that just earned more money faster. High rates are always good for the lender, never good for the borrower.
I know this is WM, so pardon my reference to Proverbs, but it just so fits. "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrow is slave to the lender.' Proverbs 22.7
We need a massive transforming of our economy back to a production economy and not a consumption economy. We need to create real products with real value and wealth. We need less borrowing and less credit, and more equity.