Stats are overrated...


100+ Posts
I feel like so much weight is put on stats. I understand that they may be the only way to compare teams on paper. But, the games are not played on paper, they are played on the field. Outside of Alabama (I have not seen Penn State) I have yet to see a team that has the same attitude that Texas has.

Don't all yell all at once, I mean, I know stats are important. But I would argue that outside of points for and points against, everything else can be so misleading. At the end of the day, what matters is the final score of the games, right?

Going back to the attitude thing, Bama and Texas are the two schools that have shown that "it" characteristic on a consistant basis so far this year. I don't care who you are playing against, a team either has the "it" or it doesn't. This has to do with the attitude of the teams! Our D is super aggressive, and our O feels like they can do whatever they want so long as Colt is back there. You can hear it in their voices and in what they say.

I guess that I may be overrating emotions, but in College Football that is probably about half the battle, if not more. Just ask Oregon State, and Ole Miss, and Michigan. On any given Saturday a team can summon up enough "it" to beat any other team, for the most part, but Texas and Bama are the only teams that have seemed to have this emotional edge week in and week out.

Don't beat me up too bad...

I think this is a dangerous topic that is a trap that can potentially make anyone look stupid.

Alabama is a very good team this year but hasn't displayed "it" in all their games. LSU is another team that generally but not always displays "it".

There are a lot of good physical teams out there. Hell TCU played with "it" to the endof the 4th quarter against OU.
Despite the other replies, I do agree that we have a different attitude this year. And I agree that it does make a difference in college football.

Whether that is just us and 'bama remains to be seen.

Hook 'em
I think it's funny when Mack spends the first 10 minutes of his press conference rattling off one stat after another, and then claims stats are misleading when a reporter asks about some of the more mediocre stats.
Stats are just that. Statistics which can be indicative of a weakness or a strength, but shouldn't be overemphasized as an individual item, but considered with others to get a full picture.

For instance, much is being made of our passing defense stat (100th). While dissppointing on its own, it is not terribly surprising. First of all we are playing a bunch of inexperienced guys that will (and have make mistakes) as well as play tenatively until they gain confidence. We also have played pass-oriented offense with experience QBs that can make a young secondary pay for errors.

On the other hand, A&M is 5th ranked in pass defense. So, does that mean they are 20X better at pass defense then us? No. Does mean they are any better at pass defense then us? Probably not.

Regardless of the stats, I like what I see out of our defense. Am I scared of the coming Big 12 pass-oriented teams? Hell, yes. But, I seen enough to think we have a chance of slowing them down and giving us a chance of winning the games.