Stanford Game #2

Stanford 7th

- Ball
- Ball
- Foul at the plate
- Pitch misses, 3-1
- Swing and a miss. Full count
- Knocked to Loy. A nearly impossible play to make. Runner is safe.

- Fouled into the plate
- Strike
- Missed inside, 1-3
- Swing and a miss. One on, one out.

Ragira, 0-3 this afternoon
Balk called on Carillo. Runner moves to second
- Ball
- Swing and a miss
- Swing and a miss, 1-2
- Pitch is high, Runner goes. Throw off the glove of Weiss.
- Ground ball gets the run home and an out. 7-0 Cardinal

- Pitch misses for ball 1
- Hard hit ball off of Weiss's glove. Charged with an error.

- Grounds ball in between short and 3rd. Both fielders screw up

- Strike
- Swing and a miss, 0-2. Two on, two out.
- Missed downstairs
- Takes inside for ball 2
- Slow roller to first. Bad throw pulls 1st baseman off the bag. Bases loaded

3 errors for Weiss this game, second this inning

Stewart, 2-4 on the day
- Swing and a miss
- Ball
- Fouled passed third
- Grounder to Loy. Good throw. Shepherd's foot is on the bag. Inning over.
Texas 7th

Kevin Lusson batting for Etier
- Ball low
- Strike
- Check swing shot just foul. Would have gone for a double
- Pop foul and out.

- Ball low and in
- Swing and a miss
- Ground out to short
2 out

- Lines out to center

No runs, no hits, nobody left. Cardinal 7, Horns 0.
Going to the 8th. Kirby Bellow now in to pitch

- Takes for a strike
- Takes another strike
- Swung and flied out to right. 1 down.

- Looks at a ball
- Swing and a miss
- Chopper to third. Easy play for Weiss. 2 out

- Ball
- Strike
- Fouled off
- Pitch way inside
- Fouled out of play
- Check swing. No swing, 3-2.
- Foul
- Low and inside. Walk.

- Strike
- Hit to the alley in Right. Stand up triple. Now 8-0.

This sucks.

- Lines to 2nd. Ragira thrown out, but run scores.

- Strike
- Hit off of Bellow. Ball fielded and runner still thrown out.

Mid 8th. Stanford 8-0
I hope the Horns basketball team plays better tonight than the baseball team did today. Making 5 errors is unheard for Texas baseball.
When is the last time a Texas baseball team went 10 games without hitting a homerun? There is Zero power on this team
I got the score wrong on my last post. It's 9-0 Stanford.

- Pops out on first pitch

- Takes for a strike
- Ground to short. 2 out

- Taken for a ball
- Lined foul
- Hard hit ball down left field line. Walla has a double

- Takes for a ball
- Ball
- Ball
- Strike
- Strike 2. Full count. 113 so far for Cardinal pitcher
- Foul
- Foul again
- Ground Rule double for Walsh. 9-1 now.

Pitching change. Danny Sanbrink in to pitch.

- Ball inside
- Fouled straight back
- Breaking ball for a strike
- Swing and a miss

Inning over. Stanford 9, Texas 1.
At least Texas did not get shutout at home. Trying to look for a positive today and i cannot find one.
Nathan Thornhill out to pitch for the Horns now

- Looks for a strike
- Lines pitch right at Walsh

- Takes for a ball
- Foul
- Foul again
- Ball
- Strike 3 called. Two gone now

- Takes a strike
- Pitch low for a ball
- Popped to short. Hard catch to make as the wind blew it so much.

Going to the bottom of the ninth hoping for a miracle.
Here we go

- Gets a base hit.

- Wild pitch. Felts to second
- Pitch taken for a strike
- Pitch taken for a strike. 1-2
- Grounder to second. Throw to first not in time. Runners 1st and 3rd. No one out.

- Pitch low for a ball
- Breaking ball for a strike
- Pitch misses low
- Pitch popped to second. One out. Runners don't move.

- Breaking ball in there
- Slow roller to 1st. Run scores. Summers to second. 2 out.

- Pitch outside
- Breaking ball in there
- Low for ball 2
- Taps it to short. Game over

Final: Stanford 9, Texas 2.
I was at the game. If we look average, then average = bad.

And I hate saying that. But it's true. This team can't hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle.
Let me figure this out?? No hitting--no fielding (five errors) , very little pitching ( Cole gone after two) and we lose. And Augie says we need to focus on the moment. This is becoming unpopular. Tell me it ain't so.
My God, except for swimming and volleyball, we have become no better than average in every other sport.
Tough result yesterday.

It is early in the season and a lot can still happen but the early signs for this team beyond when Jungmann is on the mound are not promising. There is a lot of games still to be played though so a ton of time to right this ship.

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