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So I'm sitting on the 50 West side, about caddy corner to the band, and there is this older, white-haired man sitting to my right, 2 seats over. National Anthem plays, then kick off, and everyone around is standing up, clapping, cheering, etc... So this man next to me sits down and while others are still standing and all, he proceeds to yell out the following, "Sit down! This isn't aggy! We're UT, not A&M!!" So I look at my friend in disbelief, thinking to myself.. WTF?!! Are you kidding me?? Then my friend was like, "What an ***! If he doesn't like it, he should go home!" All the while, the old man has earplugs connected to a radio. I have NEVER heard such crap! WHY the hell do people go to the games if their gonna have something up their *** like fans actually standing and cheering their team on? Sure, he probably chips in money or not, seeing as though I was on the 50 yd line, which I will probably never sit at again during a game, but I thought it was a great opportunity with my 10-yr-old nephew with me. Do people around you at games do this **** also? I know my friend went to the TX-Arkie St game last year, and it happened to him. If you don't like the crowd, fans cheering loudly, standing up, etc... then why don't you just keep your *** home? That is one of my pet peeves about the fans in the stand. Sorry... had to vent! I ended up blowing him off, enjoying the game with my nephew, who I'm hoping will someday be a Longhorn!