Spring game fan


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So I'm sitting on the 50 West side, about caddy corner to the band, and there is this older, white-haired man sitting to my right, 2 seats over. National Anthem plays, then kick off, and everyone around is standing up, clapping, cheering, etc... So this man next to me sits down and while others are still standing and all, he proceeds to yell out the following, "Sit down! This isn't aggy! We're UT, not A&M!!" So I look at my friend in disbelief, thinking to myself.. WTF?!! Are you kidding me?? Then my friend was like, "What an ***! If he doesn't like it, he should go home!" All the while, the old man has earplugs connected to a radio. I have NEVER heard such crap! WHY the hell do people go to the games if their gonna have something up their *** like fans actually standing and cheering their team on? Sure, he probably chips in money or not, seeing as though I was on the 50 yd line, which I will probably never sit at again during a game, but I thought it was a great opportunity with my 10-yr-old nephew with me. Do people around you at games do this **** also? I know my friend went to the TX-Arkie St game last year, and it happened to him. If you don't like the crowd, fans cheering loudly, standing up, etc... then why don't you just keep your *** home? That is one of my pet peeves about the fans in the stand. Sorry... had to vent! I ended up blowing him off, enjoying the game with my nephew, who I'm hoping will someday be a Longhorn!
since it was open seating and FREE the old guy should have ketp his mouth shut/
Even IF he does give a ton of money and even IF those were his regular seats it was not a regular game.
Mack makes the spring game FREE and OPEN just for people like your nephew.
I am glad it didn't get in the way of enjoying the game
The olde dude should have stayed home and watched it on TV
Open seating or not. If he does not want to cheer go the F home or go pay $ and sit in a private suite. in a real game, you paid for the tix also so you have the right the yell and you should. to hell with him.
Granted, spring game, open seating, dude could have moved. However, I hope you twerps remember this post when you are in your 60's and 70's. Are you so young and naive that you think you will never get arthritis, or have joint replacements? Do you actually think you will enjoy standing up for two hours when you are over 60? Or do you plan to stay home so you don't get in the way of some yet to be born twerp? Age discrimination is just as narrow minded as sex discrimination, or race discrimination.

By the way, if you were old enough to know the traditions of other schools, you would know that Aggies have long prided themselves in standing all game. It's one of their early traditions. Feel free to ape Aggie if you like.
yeah, I'm pretty sure most students/non-arthritic fans stand during games no matter what school it is. Especially when they're excited. Give me a break. When I'm 60 or 70 (if I live that long) I will watch the game on my big screen in my big air conditioned house with all my family spending my retirement money.
By the way, if you were old enough to know the traditions of other schools, you would know that Aggies have long prided themselves in standing all game. It's one of their early traditions. Feel free to ape Aggie if you like.

so every saturday during football season, there are countless stadiums across this great nation where people are standing at college football games that are trying to ape aggy? i want to live in your mind. senility is a wonderful bliss.

the point is, if you're going to go to a college football game, spring game or not, DO NOT ***** about people standing during the game. if you want to sit, go the home and watch from your couch. at least you won't forget where you parked your car.
Realistically, even these "fry the old guy" posters would probably respond well if an old guy says, "Hey, I hope you don't mind, but I can't really stand up very well, and I might be needing you to help me by sitting more than standing today." It's the attitude that gets the attitude.
VYFan has it right. And for the record, I don't necessarily disagree with all of NotThatBob's post. I understand needing to sit because I have arthritic knees and 3 hours of constant standing is a killer. So I get where he's coming from.

With that said though, I stand and take the pain, and sit during time outs, etc. I would not even begin to entertain the notion of getting pissed off at others for standing and cheering just because my knee hurts. If it gets that bad I'll stay home, watch from the tailgate, or do something else. But at this point in life I can't imagine imposing myself on others at a football game just because I can't keep up the physical pace.
Okay, spring game is a possible exception. Otherwise, if you are sitting/standing in the "Blue Hair" section, it is the student's who are "imposing", not the Blue Hairs. Stand up, get drunk, puke on your date, whatever, just do it in the student section. I prefer to actually watch the game.

I would hope you people don't intend to give up life in your advanced years.

Yes, I have been to Pyle Field twice...that was enough for me.

How is it that you think you get to define who is, and who is not a "good fan?" Perhaps the geezer gets to make that definition. How is it that you feel so comfortable restricting another person's choice to sit in a seat...there are seats in the stadium for a reason, are there not?

Y'all ever see the camera pan to Coach Royal at a game? He's sitting. I guess he's a crappy fan.
If I were the old guy, I wouldn't have bitched at the spring game, but I cannot understand some people's fascination with standing at a football game. Standing does nothing for your team. Yelling, they can hear. Standing is irrelevant. Good fans can yell their lungs out without standing.

Next thing you know, people will want to "hump it," too.

(I am in no way saying a fan should never stand. I am just saying that not standing does not necessarily make one a bad fan.)
In this case (and many others), I don't think it's a case of age discrimination, more a case of ******* discrimination. When an old guy stands up and yells the whole game, I think that's awesome. I don't care how old someone is, if they stand up and yell at games, I like it. If they sit down and ***** about people standing, I don't like it.

My dad makes it to a few games a year with me (I am his only connection to UT; we're a UCLA family). He's pushing 60 and due to a motorcycle accident and several ankle surgeries since then, he hasn't walked without a limp since he was 21, and it's progressively gotten worse over the years. He still stands for about half the game. Sits down during timeouts, between plays, after touchdowns, etc, but stands up otherwise. Sometimes we both sit for the fourth quarter if the game's already out of hand.

If you are so old and frail you can't stand up as much as he does with his bum ankle, I wonder how you managed to walk to your seat. You should probably either be sitting in the handicap section or sitting at home. Make more room for people that want to stand and cheer.
By that logic, I'll say that (based on my observations) more people who are standing up are likely to come to games late, drunk, and play grab-*** the whole time they're in the stadium. They're more interested in what happened at last night's frat party than what's happening on the football field.

Generalizations are fun!
You obviously sit near students (I don't); tell me, do you see a lot of students who are sitting down yelling a lot and getting into the game, or are they talking, texting, etc?
This is an age old question at UT games. If you're the only dumbass sitting down in a section and yell at someone standing in front of you to sit down, you're in the wrong.

If you're the only dumbass standing up in a section with everyone around sitting down, you're in the wrong.

Also, in the upper deck, no one should stand up the whole game. It's ridiculous.

It's a sociolical issue. Not an individual choice.
Good post, 13evo.

I was mainly playing devil's advocate. I am not an old fan, but I haven't been a student for the better part of 15 years, either. I am always the loudest in my west side section, I just don't like being told how I have to be to be a good fan.

You never know what is wrong with a person that might prevent them from standing. My dad was so sick at the state track meet last year that he could barely hold his head up(and certainly couldn't stand for more than a minute or two), but he wanted to be there, so I did my part to make it happen. It turned out to be the last sporting event he ever attended.
If he would have gotten there early enough he could have had first row and then wouldn't need to worry about others standing in front of him.
I was not fortunate enough to be born here, but once I did get here I never left.

Because of the above comment I have only been going to UT sporting events for 20 years and as I near 40 I still have the same opinion. When I get to the point where I expect others to sit down at a sporting event I will stop going and watch it on TV.

Oh, by the way, it is not aggy to stand the entire game because they don't do it. It is now tradition for them to say they do things they don't.

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