sports personalites who suck

That's Right

500+ Posts
Skip Bayless
Dan Lebatard
Bob Ryan
Ric Renner

I get so f'in pissed when either Tony or Wilbon is replaced by LeBatard, he is unwatchable, and i don't ever use the word "tool", but I'm pretty sure when you look it up in the dictionary there's a picture of Skip Bayless. Bob Ryan stutters and has mush mouth, and Ric Renner just sucks. Who else?
Bayless!! that guy needs to take a freakin leap. he has my vote!!
I actually like both Lebetard and Ryan as writers.

But man, they both do suck on TV.

I'll throw Vitale on the list.
Tony "and my qualifications to broadcast sports are...?" Kornkrauter.
I can actually handle Rome. I was ok with Bayless when he was on with Woody... but only cause woody drove him up a wall.

Kornheauseauauer can shove it.

Bucky is my dude.
Kornheiser, without a doubt. Irritating to the max, with a tremendous East Coast bias to inflame further...
Bayless take the contrarian point of view just to argue.
Dan Patrick is popular but he is very annoying to me. If you notice, he is too star struck with many athletes and lets them slide.
Not sure how popular Patrick is these days. He's been pushed to some third radio radio network. The only place I know you can hear his show is on The Ticket in the middle of the night.
Bob Ryan is great on TV -- sure, it's not his best medium, but he shows what the old-school, dedicated, hometown sports journalist is supposed to look like.

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