Sports Journalists/Announcers you LIKE

Charles Davis-Formerly of TNT, now on Fox.
Troy Aikman=Way better than I thought he would be, as he was pretty boring when he played for the Boys.
Dan Patrick-His radio show is awesome.
Jason Whitlock-Almost always agree w/ him.

Bill Brown
Jim Deshaies
Bob Costas
Mike Tirico
Thom Brennamen
Al Michaels
Vin Scully


Tracy Ringolsby (Rocky Mountain News)
Steve Rushin
Bill Simmons
I don't know where Kenny Mayne falls into this discussion, but he's got to be mentioned. He and Van Pelt are awesome. Charles Barkley is great at what he does.

I'm also a fan of Bill Simmons, Aikman, Dan Patrick, and Wilbon.
I think one of the best baseball broadcast teams is Don Orsillo (play by play) and Jerry Remy(color commentator). They are the broadcast team for the RedSox on NESN (New England Sports Network). Jerry is somewhat of a cult hero of RedSox Nation. Even though I'm in the Austin area, I can still get my RedSox fix with Extra Innings on Directv.

Even though they work for the RedSox they are not homers like lots of other local baseball broadcast teams are. Plus they're funny as hell most of the time.

Probably my all-time favorite baseball announcer is Vin Scully.
I have a laundry list of em.

Bob Costas
Dick Enberg
Marv Albert
Al Michaels
John Madden
Pat Summerall (with John Madden)
Craig Way (I like him and Moreland because they aren't homers)
Dave South (for comedic value)
Ron Franklin (Too bad ESPN won't switch him and Mike Patrick on the #1 Saturday night team...he and Gottfried were great all those years)
Brad Nessler
Dick Vitale (yes, THE Dick Vitale, Mr. College Basketball)
Vin Scully
Erin Andrews
Milo Hamilton
Bill Teegins (late great voice of Oklahoma State...if you ever got to hear him call games you know what I mean)
Steve Stone (HATE the Cubs but Stoney is as good as they come)
Jay Bilas
Lee Corso...has always loved the Husker fans
The late, great Jack Buck (That's a winner, and I don't believe...what I just saw!)
Verne Lundquist
Jim Nantz
Brad Sham (Not a Cowboy fan but Sham is as good as it gets).

That's all...for now.
I liked Steve Stone AND Chip Carey together. I know there are many who don't like Chip, but I liked that pair together.
Jay Bilas, Craig Way, Franschilla (sp), Verne Lundquist, Don Crique (sp), Aikman/Buck, Brad Sham, Mark Hotlz (RIP). I also love John Clayton's insights.

There is one answer that no one has said and it is a sad commentary actually. One announcer stands out in my mind as the best person EVER: Daryl Reaugh. His command of the English language is astounding. I am amazed every time I hear him.
For those of us who watch Spurs games, Sean Eliot is always fun to listen to as a color announcer. He's completely pro-Spurs, and gave up doing games for ESPN/ABC because he genuinely wants to do the Spurs games.
Anybody who can leave their ******* politics out of their columns/commentary. Sadly, this list is shorter than you might think.
One other guy I'm gonna give for a lot of you who might not know about him:

Voice of the Chiefs, Mitch Holthus. I moved back to Lincoln from Houston two years ago, and I've had the chance to listen to Chiefs games on a regular basis (and if you know anything about the Chiefs, they aren't that fun to watch...Herm Edwards pathetic offense being a major reason).

Mitch Holthus is the MAN. Big homer, but will give props to the other guys for a good play. Also, he's a Big 12 guy (Kansas State graduate) so he'll give props to former Big 12 standouts even if they play on the other team.

In my opinion, Holthus, Len Dawson and Bob Gretz are the best radio team in professional football and it's not even close. If you get the chance to listen to the Chiefs on a fall Sunday when driving through the Midwest, DO IT. It's a treat.

And I'm not even a Chiefs fan.
Schoening is awesome. He is probably my favorite all time. I'll never forget his call on Dawson's kick against UVA. That was classic. He is still excellent for the Spurs too.

Others: Al Michaels, Frank Gifford, Mike Patrick, Craig Way, Keith Moreland, Buck/Aikman, Summerall, Lundquist, Todd Blackledge, Morgan/Miller, Cooperstein & the Texas Tech football guys are actually funnier than Dave South IMHO.
I think Al Michaels and Bob Costas are kind of a staple for every list.

In the hockey arena I agree with Daryl Reaugh and I also enjoy hearing Bill Clement.
David Stein. This guy does a show thats on from 1 AM - 4 AM. It's really nice to hear a sports talk show where people aren't screaming and yelling all the time. The show is almost always positive and uplifting. Of course, that's probably the reason that he's on from 1 AM - 4 AM in the first place.

He starts off with every caller by asking, "Tell me something good in your life." There was one show where a guy called in that was down on his luck and living on the streets. About 15 minutes later, a guy from the same town called in and offered him a job. I was literally crying listening to this go down on the radio.
Ron Franklin. End of discussion, best CFB and hoops announcer around. Outstanding in every way.

Although they are homers, I do enjoy Schoenig and Way. Excitable but fun to listen to.

And just for an odd twist, Dave South, who is so unbearably bad he is actually good, if that makes sense. It's impossible to listen to an aggy game without a grin on my face because of his ineptitude.
there are so many...Mike Tirico is the best overall, IMHO. The guy can cover anything and cover it well, and with style. Jay Bilas, consummate basketball announcer. Love the guy come March. Rick Reilly - Doesn't get much better when it comes to sports humor. Nobody can bring a tear to my eye like Jim Nance on PGA sundays though.

Kenny Albert officially freaks me out. He looks like an alien. Marv used to be the man on NBA until we found out he likes to wear womens underpants.

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