sooner getting tazed

Texas Taps

5,000+ Posts
Ok, so I'm watching TruTV. There's a show on called "Inside Jail" or something. They've arrested some guy for being drunk and disorderly. He has an ou 7X champions t-shirt on. They've got him inside the jail, up against the wall to pat him down. He's being a jackass. Five officers are around him and telling him to comply. They warn him that he will be tazed if he resists. Well, being a sooner and all, he resists. Not only do they taze him, they pepper spray him. His bad *** goes down and he starts crying like a little *****. It was sweet
To the tune of "Boomer Sooner:"

Don't taze me, bro,
Don't taze me, bro,
Don't taze me, bro,
Don't taze me, bro,
Don't taze me, bro,
Don't taze me, bro,
Don't taze me, bro,
Don't taze me!
Those of us who are balding and thus shave our heads take grave offense to your comparing our haircut to a mullet... please.

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