Sonsini Fired

bolt, were you equally shocked by the bile and idiocy spewed by many of the Buff fans that came here and other boards? Or are you just used to them as they are around you all the time? Enjoy your mediocre program with a top recruit. How long till you guys go on probation again? How can you root for such a dirty program? Tough questions, I know. But all accurate and based on factual past goings on.
I know you did not just compare the academic status of Colorado to that of UT, did you? If you want to compare maybe them both being liberal towns, then I agree.

But in the arts, commerce, real estate, industry, weather and other factors I think you will find Boulder to be quite on another tier. The Samples or was it the Soup Dragons hail from Boulder. Serious players in the music world.

Nice try. You have a nice town for Texans to go to in the winter and spend their money. It is beautiful and laden with nice natural scenery. It is a town that I would go to relax, not live.

I think it is you who thinks a bit highly of your school. And you should. We are flattered that you choose to believe you are on equal footing with both UT and Austin. The facts would support this.
Oh, I do agree that all fanbases have idiots. But see, our idiots have not been known for throwing batteries and their general dangerous behavior time and time and time again. They have not had their student section cleared out during a game on national television (I saw this game).

So it would be more accurate and realistic to say: All schools and teams have idiot fans, but ours in Colorado are famous for taking it to another level for a more sustained period of time.
What are you babbling about? Trying to sound smart but really sounding like our President. For someone to have 10,000+ and a fan of another school speaks volumes itself.
Doesn't CU play KU on tv today? Why don't you buff posers, go support that high school level basketball team you have instead of posting on here.

The announcers started a sentence thusly: "Colorado has been the doormat of the Big 12 and Big 8 for sometime but Coach...."
To be fair bolt, Texas fans weren't making these things up themselves. They were clearly in print from the DMN and Rivals.

There was fuel to that fire which was exacerbated by your RB coaches comments about Applewhite as well as the Scott's "spitting" in Kennedy's face.
bolt, those are some mighty wild accusations yourself without a DAMN thing to back them up...

Hell, CU fans EVERYWHERE (and especially certain posters (AZ and ADMINS) on the CU Rivals site) were claiming that Jason and Ketch had BOUGHT Sosini and that's why they weren't getting interviews. Then the TRUTH came out, that Jason, Ketch and Gerry had ACTUALLY DONE THEIR JOBS and had created a relationship and that's how they had gotten his #.


The truth is that there is/was just as much mud from the CU side, just as much or more of it is/was UNFOUNDED ********.

Oh, and UTCU... I'm doubting your dual allegiance... especially since in EVERY time you question something, someone, it's always the TEXAS side that you question.
Hawkins is a dirty recruiter - you'll continue to land some good recruits who are looking for that model. CU's asst head coach has already been on the 2 previous staffs that were cheating - why should this one be in different.

Hopefully, your embarrasment of a athletic program improves because right now CU probably needs to be in a WAC or Mountain West Conference.
Actually, by all indicators, from the kids and there families, to the oversight commities, Hawkins is a stand up coach and runs a very clean program.
Another NYT article.

“We hope that high school administrators will learn from this incident that the first responsibility from athletic coaches is to protect their student-athletes,” they said in the statement. “There is no place for personal agendas.”

What the hell are you talking about? I was referring to Sonsini's quote in the DMN- the one he BACKTRACKED on. I think Sonsini is extremely shady- and him being fired pretty much supports my opinion of him.

He says he was misquoted and it was taken out of context- I honestly couldn't care less.

What are you questioning in this NYT follow up? That Sonsini was fired?

Hey man- if you are going to attempt to call me out- try and make a little sense.
So bolt, how do you explain the fact that this "great" kid committed to Texas TWICE in the week before he announced. After MA visited his home, yet the weekend he just changed his mind?

It is possible, I guess, but he was dead set on coming to Texas and if you want us to believe the NYT article that it was about MA, then I have lots of things I need to sell you.

Fact is though, it is not the end of the world at Texas. We already have a better back committed. We get recruits like him all the time.
Superfan- I am not just a poster on Rivals. I know a lot of details that went down behind the scenes. I expect you to

a. not believe me.
b. stick up for you boys.

And thats fine, I am not going to take this any further. Everyone involved would like this to drop and I am not going to get it going again here.

UT is a very good schoo. CU is a very good school. Sonsini wasn't just "counseling" Scott to a "better" school with a "better" football program. Like I have said many times, will let his FIRING speak for itself. Honestly don't care what you want to be believe- you won't change your mind and thats OK.
Superfan, Sonsini saying what? I am not following you.

And I am not even going to reply to your up the ante comment. Its just too freakn funny you Horn fans even find that the least bit credible.

FWIW- the reason the $$ rumor started is b/c one of our connected posters said that UT was offering $$ through a booster at the AAA game and thats why he changed his commit in the first place. I DO NOT believe it. He also posted about how CU has proof that OU offered Katoa $$$ and of course all the UT fans believed that.

Standard double standards and big time myopia from all fan bases. Its natural.


Your problem is very simple. Its crap logic. I could throw the same thing out back to you. How do you explain a kid that is committed to CU for months, a kid that asked our staff for our top targets, a kid that was calling and recruiting these top targets, a kid that helped a lot of our top targets commit- a kid that was doing all of this AFTER his official visit to UT- change his mind a month before NSD, during the dead period and at a AAA game attened by a bunch of UT boosters who aren't supposed to have contact with him??? Hmmmmm.

See what an easy game it is to play?
Can this thread and all others started by cu fans be moved to our new Andy Dick area?

I would call it the Andy Dick board or attention deficit ***** board.

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