Songs that didn't mean what I thought they did.

That is some deep cerebral messaging for a rock song. :e-thinking:

Makes me feel so shallow for only wondering why the people were going to jump and shout when Quinn the Eskimo got there.
I am a BIG ELO fan. Knew all their songs.
OR thought I did . You know how back then you decided on lyrics and sang them without giving much thought?
So I always sang to "Dont bring me down"
Don't bring me down Bruce.
Never once wondered who Bruce was.
Yesterday it was being played on oldie station and I Finally asked myself who Bruce was so I looked up the lyrics
Turns out it is
Don't bring me down groos.
Must be a Brit thing.:idk:
Singing it won't ever be the same for me
Turns out it is
Don't bring me down groos.

I thought the same thing about the lyric.

A common mondegreen in the song is the perception that, following the title line, Lynne shouts "Bruce!" In the liner notes of the ELO compilation Flashback and elsewhere, Lynne has explained that he is singing a made-up word, "Groos", which some have suggested sounds like the German expression "Gruß", meaning "greeting."[9][7] Lynne has explained that originally he did not realize the meaning of the syllable, and he just used it as a temporary placekeeper to fill a gap in the lyrics, but upon learning the German meaning he decided to leave it in.[9] After the song's release, so many people had misinterpreted the word as "Bruce" that Lynne actually began to sing the word as "Bruce" for fun at live shows.
Don't Bring Me Down - Wikipedia
6721, I just talked to my wife about this. We both thought the same thing about the lyric. Back in the day, ELO played Six Flags for years.

Always wanted to go but never could. Underage driver without a license and Grandparents thought that Rock (It's ELO, for God's sake) would turn me into a Devil worshiper or druggie. Neither happened.
I was completely wrong on this one:

That kids' song from Kindergarten "Jimmy Crack Corn". I had always thought it was about making popcorn or something...

Turns out, it's an Antebellum song concerning a slave who jokes about his master dying, or even killing his master and getting away with it.
It seems we ALL have misheard lyrics. The hardest part is after singing it wrong for years it is hard to sing it right.
For years I thought the first line of Margaritaville was , " Living on sponge cake"
I don't feel so stupid.
It is "Nibblin on sponge cake"
The person who corrected acted like I was really stupid to think that.

We have all been in the stupid department. Sometimes it gets crowded, think election time, but we survive. Getting lyrics wrong does not make you stupid. You are interpreting what you hear. I do this all the time aka Stevie Nicks. I still have a crush on her. Don't tell my wife.

Happy New Year everyone and Hook 'em Horns!

BTW, I love sponge cake.

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