Something Interesting Thread

I haven't had fried bologna. Gross. I also haven't had fried rabbit, but I'm definitely willing.

All the others, I have had often (save fried gator, which I have occasionally had, but always while in Louisiana) and many of them are staples.

"claimed"? "claimed"? "claimed"? Is this an early April fools?

Post a photo of the "three hobos" and tell me that isn't Charles Harrelson.

The day after the Judge Wood hit, the FBI had two agents at his house in Spring. Jim, aka Beau, is dead. Lost track of Patterson, but those two guys had a hilarious version of the brief conversation on Harrelson's front porch.

The guy in Paris prison was supposed to be the best shot in the world, but that shot Harrelson got on Kennedy was a "one in ten million shot"*

* quote from James H "Red" Duke, Jr
Darn I was hoping the owner would have shown up.
Guessing the car insurance won't pay for that.:lmao:
And they didn't really have to do it but am glad they did
^ I'm pretty sure that qualifies for the oversight of the century
"Let's see, have I got everything? Yup, got the cameras, we're good to go."
Dangerous drivers up there
Why do people keep going the same speed when their visibility has been reduced so much? Turn on your emergency flashers and slow the hell down, or get off the road until conditions are better
I presume they went through a pass of some sort that quickly brought them to zero visibility.
I presume this is an animation of a past event.
It’s just an animation. Betelgeuse started dimming in 2020 and raised speculation that it was about to go supernova, but it was determined the dimming was due to dust shrouding the star.
When, however, it does explode it will be quite a show. The supernova that produced the Crab Nebula (visible beginning in 1054) was for a short time visible during the daytime.
Hope I live to see it.
It was also occulted by an asteroid about a month ago and disappeared completely for about 12 seconds.

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