Somethin' Better Than Boooooing



We need somethin' better'n booing, but meanin' the same thing. My Opa never cussed at all, but when he hit his thumb with a hammer and screamed "Ahhhhh... FOOOEYY!" you knew what he really meant.

I did some graduate work at LSU, an' they had a pretty good one... when they other team would come in, every drunk cajun in the place - and there was a-plenty of 'em, too - would stand up and start screamin' in unison, with a hard finger point on the first syllable, kinda thrown at 'em like Jingles useta throw bullets outta his gun (think FSU tomahawk chop if ya don't know who Andy Devine was); TYGAH BAIT! TYGAH BAIT! TYGAH BAIT! It was pretty damn loud, too, in a (mostly) closed bowl.

Now we just need ta come up with somethin along those lines... maybe with an "OOOOoooo" in it, so it'll be easy to switch... and so we can claim that's what we were doin' all along.

I know you fellas can come with somethin' better, but we gotta start somewhere, so, uhhhhh, lessee... how about "Yoooooooooooooo... TEE! Yoooooooooooo... Tee!"
Sure, we'll schedule yell practice at the sun bowl next Saturday at 7 am SHARP! and don't forget the after game yell practice too so that we can be......oh ****, wrong school.
Riffety, riffety, riff-raff!
Chiffity, chiffity, chiff-chaff!
Riff-raff! Chiff-chaff!
Let’s give ‘em a horse laugh:

That should work
While the OP said it in a weird way, I agree that booing sucks. I always thought that being quiet while they file onto the field would make a bigger impression. Not silence, just not booing.
I hate it when a few of our fans feel like it's a good idea to boo the visiting team when they run onto the field. Really makes no sense.
So we should cheer instead? How about we cheer louder for them than our own team. Maybe all race home after the game and bake them some cookies. Yes, that will show them.
Years ago I saw Louisville at Okla State on ESPN playing basketball. When they introduced the Louisville starting line-up, the entire student section, which was courtside, all picked up newspapers and started reading. Pretty funny.

We used to do this when I went to school up in Michigan. When they would annouce their players during the starting lineup we would yell "Who Cares!".

I tried bringing this to the UT basketball games but a couple of the other guys that always went to games though it was the worst idea ever and thought turning your back to them was much more creative.
While I'm not crazy about the booing I have a bigger problem with fans that feel the need to yell obsenities at the game. There's nothing like the joy of being at a Horns game with your children, all wide-eyed and soaking in the experience and then having to explain to them what some obsenity means that some fan just yelled. This is part of the reason I haven't been to a game in a few years.

Along the same lines I've always hated when fans change the UT fight song from "Give 'em Hell, Give 'em Hell, Go Horns Go" (my wife has a big enough problem with the Hell part) to "Give 'em Hell, Give 'em Hell, Go Eat Sh.., or OU Sucks. The first one just seems unnecessarily profane and the other one seems obsessive much like Aggy always singing about and obsessing over us. The fight song has original words that I think are just fine without the need for these kind of "tweaks".

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