Some random thoughts on rewatch

My first major concert was U2 in the Sunbowl for Achtung baby. Public Enemy opened for them.
Saw plenty of smaller shows before that though. I actually saw Nine Inch Nails in a little dive in El Paso called Club 101 in 1991. I think it was for Pretty Hate Machine before they/he blew up. I didn't think that was a huge deal at the time.
It was a great show, but now I think I'd go more for a Marty Robbins at this juncture.
My last concert - took the kid to Imagine Dragons. Kids had fun. But I almost blew my brains out. So fuggin lame.
Vertical Horizon and Everclear. Everclear was cool. Took handful of us back stage and tour bus. Offered to make us burgers on his George Foreman.
I hadn’t been to a major concert in years since I saw Willie on Lake Travis. But last year I went to U2 Joshua Tree tour in New Orleans. Freakin awesome!!
I’m a generation X member so U2 is one of if not the greatest bands for my generation. They are also up there with The Rolling Stones and AC/DC as greatest live bands. Some people take issue with Bono’s activism but as far as live music goes, that was the best I have seen!
Wish we had more threads on music.
First concert was to see The Beatles when they came to Dallas in 1964. It was mostly teenyboppers screaming and jumping up and down.
First concert I really liked was Jimi Hendrix in Dallas in 1968.

WINNER: The Beatles 1964 Dallas!? :trophy: WOW is right.

Joe, where was that? Moody Coliseum, The Majestic Theater, Bronco Bowl?
A couple of tosu upperclassmen stated they thought TCU had the fastest team they had seen while playing college ball. Could be going overboard to compliment an opponent that gave them a tough game...or could be true.
WINNER: The Beatles 1964 Dallas!? :trophy: WOW is right.

Joe, where was that? Moody Coliseum, The Majestic Theater, Bronco Bowl?
Memorial Auditorium as I recall. I was 10 years old. A friend of mine had an older sister and she took us. There were some warmup bands, I don’t remember who they were.
First concert I really liked was Jimi Hendrix in Dallas in 1968.

Saw Hendrix in San Antonio at the Municipal Auditorium that same year. I think he was stoned. The concert was pretty shabby even by the standards of 1968.
He had the two British backup guys with him. That was it. They played with no real energy or passion. At the end, Hendrix smashed his guitar. I was disappointed.
First real concert was Dick Clark's Cavalcade of stars. Main headliner; Paul Revere and the Raiders in '65.
OK, I concede .....

I once saw Little Feat at the Texas Chili Parlor 15th and Lavaca
I kid not
In fact, I was just a kid
So I dropped one of their songs mentioning Austin on the 'What Are You Listening To" thread
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Tanya Tucker once dove into an open window in my car on 6th Street (i will post name of the venue once i rmbr it, lol)*
She knew my friend riding shotgun
I drove away with her kissing him

* Steamboat
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I met artist Jim Franklin at one of the Graetful Dead shows at Manor Downs.
You might recognize his concert posters from around Austin
We stayed friends until I left Austin
I had this top one of his in my room for long time. I still have it somewhere. Always my favorite



Was definitely at this show too \/ Few weeks b4 it closed for good
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I was once visiting a female friend when I heard a motorcycle pull up.
She answered the door and it was Omar from Omar and the Howlers.
He sat down. She left the room and we stared at each other for about ten minutes.
He left. I won. :)
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the touchdown throw to Moore could have been real bad. Moore had to make a HELL of an adjustment, and then make an incredible reach to make that catch. The tight end cleared the safety on that side so Sam just had to get the ball near the middle of the end zone ... instead, he throws it high and right to where Moore HAD to make a play. not sure if that's a footwork thing, or he got excited?
First concert - Grand Funk Railroad in 1973 (Not my idea! Girlfriend was in love with Mark Farner)
Best concerts (tie) - Talking Heads at the Armadillo and Little Feat at that converted theater on Congress Avenue. Mid-70s, don't remember exact years. Those were the good old days...
Last concert - Eric Clapton at AA Center
the touchdown throw to Moore could have been real bad. Moore had to make a HELL of an adjustment, and then make an incredible reach to make that catch. The tight end cleared the safety on that side so Sam just had to get the ball near the middle of the end zone ... instead, he throws it high and right to where Moore HAD to make a play. not sure if that's a footwork thing, or he got excited?
Reading this thread I was all into the sex, drugs and rock and roll when this football post totally harshes my vibe - is nothing sacred? j/k
I was once visiting a female friend when I heard a motorcycle pull up.
She answered the door and it was Omar from Omar and the Howlers.
He sat dow. She left the room and we stared at each other for about ten minutes.
He left. I won. :)
Where is the WTF button when you need it?
Edit: Ha! I see it. It’s the eyes option
I for one am determined not to let this post be about football.
Back in the early 90's I went to a Smithereen's concert. Probably 1991, the drunkest night of my life. I kept drinking Long Island Tea's, I don't know how many......a shitload. So after my 10th trip to the bar or so I am going back to our row, everyone was standing on chairs. I stumble up the wrong row and "some one is standing in my chair". I climb up the chair mumble and push him off. He slugs me in the jaw. I didn't feel it. He was a big guy, 6'2" 210. The bouncer saw him slug me and didn't see me throw him off the chair. he got kicked out. Ha, it was like throwing the first punch after the scrumb and the retaliatory punch get's the 15 yard penalty. Don't know how I got home that night....but I made it. I did have a ride, they took my keys. Smithereen's were good back then. They didn't last long though. Never looked at a Long Island Tea since.