So let students with an average of two years vested in The University of Texas, and make no donations to the athletic department, decide for how many alumni (500,000?). Alumni who donate heavily for everything to include scholarships for students who don’t even attend games. Students who support statue theft and change the design of a class ring that has been a tradition for almost one hundred years. (For those of you who don’t know, the traditional ring design was trashed for the newer, ugly version. I was told by the holders of the mold that if you have the old style and lose it, you are out of luck because nobody can buy the old style. Alumni blocked.)I happen to think the decision to play the game should rest 100% on the majority vote by the respective student bodies of both schools. This is their University not just the alumni. If I can ask any alumni what was their best memory of playing this game everyone has one. Except for students from 2012 to today. They don't have one. That is the reason I think the game should be played.
Until they earn and pay for a degree, and then partipate in a job to support themselves, I will treat them as students with no decisionmaking rights for university policy. Certainly no rights to decisions that impact former and future students.