Some morn, others celebrate Roe v Wade anniversary

torbush at this thread.

some will mourn, but i dont' fathom people 'celebrate' this day like it's ******* Christmas. these people might be thankful they're given the option...

but if you really think some 24 year old girl who had an abortion 5 years ago is celebrating today with presents and dinner, then un-*******-real.... i'd probably be more suprised if she actually knew the anniversary date.

how many people that read this thread even knew today was the anniversary? most people on this website probably couldn't date the anniversary of the Tower Shooting or the day bonfire fell.
well holy ****.

i wonder how many of these women who attend actually had an abortion.

i wonder how many women who have had abortions actually 'celebrate' roe v wade as opposed to women who 'celebrate' roe v wade because it protects women's freedom and privacy. and are they feminists?
Someone posted in my article on the movie Juno that nobody is really pro abortion. I limited my comments to the redical fringe (just like I castigated the radical right that might come after the kid for having sex) and somebody told me that nobody wants abortion or celebrates it.

I think many pro choice posters are either unknowingly naive or intentionally distorting of facts. There is a group out there that wants to see abortions and want them to be anything but "rare"

There is a culture of death that does exist in this country today, and it's sick. It's been around a long time with Eugenics and stuff like that though, so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise.
They're celebrating the right to have a safe, clean abortion which Roe v. Wade granted. Otherwise they'd be lamenting the deaths of many women who died having backroom abortions with coathangers, while you neocons would be celebrating the decision, in between your bitching about the need to expand the death penalty because of the rise in crime.

That's what they're celebrating. They are not celebrating abortion. They are celebrating the right to abortion. Come on. Are you guys really that dense?
Fodren, they're celbrating their right to kill innocent, defenseless babies, often with the help of my tax dollars. Yes, we do understand what they are "celebrating" and it sickens us. Are you that callous?
Don't kid yourself.

In the Juno thread, I posted a quote from an abortion rights advocate who was upset that movies like Juno were showing teenage girls choosing to have their baby, instead aborting the baby like she would have preferred.
********, oilfield. You can take that rhetoric to the local Baptist Church. Women are going to have abortions whether they are legal or not. Legal abortion protects women's health. Otherwise you will have dead women and fetuses.
I agree. However, where are these skilled doctors coming from if doctors can't legally perform abortions? You would have a handful of legitimate doctors who would risk their careers to perform abortions. However, the overwhelming majority would be done by people who have little to no medical training at all, and certainly not surgical training.
Even if the pro-choice side's worst fears were to come true, I can't imagine any scenario where abortion would not be legal over a large part, if not the majority, of the country.
fondren, i do not disagree with anything you said in your last post. i want you to know i do agree that roe v wade made abortion safer and cleaner because the suit pretty much killed off the malpractice of backroom abortions.

nancy is not celebrating cleaner and safer abortions. she's celebrating women's rights to choose to have them. it even says in the article that they want people who share, "goals of protecting women's freedom and privacy"

i'm not offended if she and others are thankful for the opportunity it provided for women. but to celebrate being able to have an abortion? it is sad.

if she wants to 'celebrate', she should try celebrating august 18th.
The Link

Here are some photos of the recent Walk for Life march in San Francisco.

A couple of things I noticed that although the march seems to be bigger and more well attended than any anti-war rally that I've seen, it got almost no coverage other than a newspaper article. Why is it that a half a dozen fat, aging hippies staging a sit-in can draw some TV cameras but thousands of young people cannot?

Another thing I noticed is that the prolife group is very, very young - much younger than the counter protesters. The counter protesters look a very interesting group. I especially liked the girl in the "I heart abortion" shirt. My favorite is part three, the babe theory of political movements. It this theory were true (it's not), the prochoice movement is doomed.

Like I said, I think abortion should be legal and safe but these bozos make it really hard to agree with them.

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