Socialist Economic Stimulus Agreement


500+ Posts
Someone explain how taking my tax money and outright giving it someone else, most of whom don't even pay income taxes is anything other than Socialism.

**** Nancy Pelosi.


I love our governemnt, really I do.

I get to pay in eleventy billion in taxes and they decide to give out tax "rebates" and I don't get one, but somebody else gets a "rebate" when they didn't pay in in the first place.

If that's what they want to do fine, but don't call it a "rebate" call it a federal government money grub giveaway (or FGMGG for short).

Bunch of retards, and I, of course, appreciate getting sold out by Bush and the other Republican's on the hill. This certainly makes me more likely to want to go to the polls- I'm sure a McCain presidency would be different.
There is an opportunity to change the direction of the country. Check out the thread on the Comprehensive Economic Revitalization Plan.
i love how it is not across the board, just for those who "earn up to $75k individually or $150k as a couple." so do people above that level of earning not pay taxes too?
I think they are all a waste but since you bring it up, if i remember the last rebate was "across the board" meaning I got one too..
This plan is stupid for plenty of reasons but there are an uphauling number of folks here that don't know what the word socialism means.
froghorn717 is just not cool, err, I mean kewl.


I have never liked "torbush" or "unhauling." I am more partial to the days of "f scally" and "yag si op."

And redistribution of wealth through progressive taxation and redistribution IS a pillar of socialist economics.
People who already make a lot of money would be the most likely to spend an extra few hundred bucks on consumer goods that they don't really need, which is the whole point of a stimulus rebate. Those who make less are more likely to use it to pay down outstanding credit card debt or car loans, which means no new economic activity and no stimulus. Brilliant!!
I paid nearly $100,000.00 in taxes in '06 and '07 (not including what I may owe above my estimated '07 taxes).

Congress is apparently going to give a "tax rebate" to stimulate the economy.

I am apparently not going to receive a tax rebate.

Whose tax money are they using, DWP?

Fondren --- nice little anecdotal quip, but hardly applicable to this thread.

Government ownership and distribution of "capital" is the essence of Socialism. As stated above, I sent the government my money over the past 2 years (I use 2 years, because I don't know which year is the source of the "rebate"), and now they are going to give some of it out to a group of people that does not include me. Explain how that is not Socialism.

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