So, Vince doesn't need to be back in college


250+ Posts
Yet people are defending Matt Leinart for partying with some 'average' looking college chicks with his butt-buddy Nick Lachey despite the fact he's got a kid out of wedlock. Nice.

The Link

Just shows how out-of-whack some people's priorities in life are. I guess Leinart thinks he's Joe 'Willy' Namath now and can party all the time and then go win a Super-Bowl.
Travis Henry has ML beat by eight in the kids fathered out of wedlock category.

ML is young, single and rich, but he does have a kid, so I would have to agree with the out of whack priorities comment. When you have a kid you need to turn in your party card and grow up, in my opinion.
Plus, generally it's bad form to hang out with a member of New Kids on the Block, or whatever NL was in. Again, my opinion only.
I must withhold judgment until I have walked in his shoes. Set up ol' RomaVicta with some hot chicks in hot tub and he'll get back to you.

The man is having fun. Burn him, he's a witch. He also has his degree. He is also available to practice with his team, so it's not really relevant to whatever Vince is doing (which I don't care about either).

There used to be a fine old American saying:

"It's none of my business."

I'd really like for that concept to come back into vogue.
They were doging him on 1530 because they are 18 year old ASU girls. If i was his age and had that money i would party ith some ladies my own age. Just me though.
I am with Hagy. He has a young child. Maybe being a father is not all that important to him. I have two young children. I barely find 30 minutes in the evening to eat dinner, much less find time to work in 4 college girls in my hotub and enjoy a beer bong or two.

Probably being too judgemental here, and maybe just a tad jealous, also.
The dude has a kid. Those responsibilities trump party/orgy time. Kids are not a part time responsibility either. Grow up and be a man.
A wise man has commented on our times/culture: “There is an overemphasis on rights and an under emphasis on responsibilities.”
So having a kid means you cannot hang out with some chicks in a hot tub and have fun? Maybe the kid is at Grandma and Grandpa's. Maybe the kid is at his mom's place. Maybe the kid is fast asleep in his crib and you can't see the baby monitor in the picture. Certainly easy to cast stones by looking at a damn picture. Dude's having fun so he must be shirking his responsibilities. Some of you would find fault with Leinart even if he saved your grandmother from a burning car.
Parental sanctimony is such a bore. Compliments to YoLaDo for his secondary musings.

Why assume his kids are neglected because he is partying? Totally unfounded accusation. You don't even know if the child was in the house. But, let's all click our tongues and go tut-tut.

It's none of our business!